
Yeah, Destiny is a major part of this for me. I apparently racked up over 100 hours in it and I’d never recommend anyone play it. I spent that 100 hours to enjoy a very brief, but amazing, high point that was not worth the 100 hours it took to get there. The same can be done in 700 hours. Time is relative, after all.

I would have made that point except that the reviewers openly admit in their review that that is exactly how much time they spent playing, they didn’t leave the game on.

Instead of replying to anyone else in this thread directly, I’m going to make a summation reply to everyone who thinks I’m wrong by writing what would have been just another point on my list.

I think it’s rather silly and shortsighted to slight someone for giving a negative review to a game while having this many hours on record playing it. There are a variety of reasons why, so I’ll try to get through them quickly:

Yeah I think the headline should just be “Ben Heck” in place of “Hacker” because even if a reader doesn’t know who he is, they should know who he is.

Same thing in I Am A Hero and it’s utterly gorgeous.

Wonder when they’ll get a version of Counter-Strike that doesn’t have everyone “surrendering” instead of dying.

Yeah, as much as I agree that the media was complicit in his being elected and they should all apologize like Joyce, it was the bigger networks of news that were the cause.

Remember, friends. There is always a way to fight Bethesda’s shitty tactics: Don’t buy their games.

Y’know, I do think it is at least worth noting that after seeing some of this guy’s art in this article, I do actually like the content and am glad that I had it brought to my attention.

Nothing ever happened to eBaum’s World for doing the same thing, what makes you think anything has changed?

Nah, just on a quest against journalism that assumes its readership. You’ll catch me in every Kinjadeals articles that has a headline with “your favorite” in it. ;)

How did this get produced and aired? Simple. So simple, in fact, I think it’s rather odd this is even in question.

“I wonder if this article will actually be interesting,” I thought as I had recently already written about how boring I found this game to be.
“Oh my god! Hahaha!” I exclaimed as soon as I saw the name “Harry Potter” and “immortalizing the player” 2 paragraphs apart.

Regardless of your sexual orientation, there’s a very good chance that you’ve seen Gengoroh Tagame’s illustrations of bearded, muscular men... enjoying one another’s company.

I fucking love potatoes and even I think that was a bit overboard.

Here’s the hottest take: We’re all Fyre Festival attendees. Silicon Valley routinely sells us on the latest, futuristic “breakthrough” and ultimately gives us a soggy cheese sandwich and a waylaid camp tent. The promise of artificial intelligence has been delivered as a talking mirror. The promise of police body

How many thousands of magic cards exist? They apologize profusely but I think it’s probably pretty freakin’ tough keeping Magic balanced the further it ages. 2 days late, so what? Weird thing to freak out over.

I’m laughing so hard at all of the translations. Clyde Mandelin is doing God’s work keeping track of all of this. Tut indeed.

It’s so weird how my favorite mains are also characters that nobody seems to mind you picking, whether they’re actually useful or not, whether you actually play them well or not. Junkrat and D.Va. I just have a lot of fun playing both of them and nobody has ever told me to switch away and nobody has ever noticed whem