
This is a very cool video to describe Assembly language to new folk... but there’s not really a lot of GameBoy info here. Somewhat disappointing as I was really hoping for a deeper rundown of the Gameboy architecture

“But any serious proposal for a stadium in today’s LA—or, rather, future LA—needs to have reliable, high-capacity public transit as part of the plan”

Annnd that’s the faulty premise that makes this whole argument fall on it’s face. Mass Transit and LA are like Oil and Water. Oh you can TRY to force them together... but

Except “The Muppets” movie was fantastic. Not Most Wanted, but the Segal one.

io9 hates it because io9 forgot what the Muppets were really like. Their initial review was really pissed off that Animal referred to “So many women, so many towns” because that’s not what Animal is about. Forgetting Animal’s almost catchprhase “WOMAN!” as he chased tail in all the originals.

The fear of the R rating.

Now playing

Have we forgotten just how much of a womanizer Animal was under Henson?

Now playing

Oh, and Animal making a weird remark about “too many women”

Couldn’t disagree with you more. I know many folks who fly out of LAX to go to Vegas because it’s easier than dealing with the traffic pulling a weekender over there. A 80 minute train is exactly what we need.

There’s a simple answer to a lot of this: Don’t do Hall H.

It’s like Christmas and my Birthday all rolled into one. This is my FAVORITE game. I played it for hours as a kid. I STILL play it far far far too often (Klackons FTW). I’ve pumped so many hours into this game I don’t even want to know.

I don’t mind an unsympathetic main character... Walter White was an unsympathetic main character by the time the show was ending, but he was COMPELLING. And what he did made sense. This guy... he isn’t even believable. Here is a guy who was inches from committing suicide out of loneliness and now he’s insufferably

Why does there have to be a male team and a female team? Shouldn’t there just be a TEAM with male and female characters on it?

When the show first started I was in love. Some really hilarious stuff examining man without the social constructs.

Sounds a lot like Disney might be pulling Marvel back to their own conventions like D23

No love for the brilliant Peg + Cat?

Referring to a nice pair of legs on a woman as her "gams"

Don't know if it counts or not, but Camp Hyrule.

Actually I did know, I read my diswasher manual. The images they give you to load it... they're bullshit. None of them take into account the dishes that don't fit neatly on the tines.

Man I wish standup acts would stop trying to do those stupid scripted intros. They are always the worst.

It never ceases to amaze me that these things didn't become THE show/toy of the 80s. You've got armored dinosaurs for goodness sake! The toys were spectacular! The brontosaurus (yes I know that doesn't exist but that's the name of the toy) was 3 feet long and the legs moved! How is this not a thing?