
What IS this movie?!

Fun story: At Harris we constantly had folks from all walks in the Military come through. I've worked directly with everyone from privates through 3 star generals to bean counters working behind a desk at SPAWAR. They were our customers.

Encryption is built in and done at the chip level (Sierra 2) so the encryption actually has no impact. Frequency doesn't really factor in either; the freq ranges ANW2 operates at support its native data rates. Data rate is based on the bandwidth you're willing to allocate to the network you're building (configurable

I guess they elected themselves.

It sure was, because it also explains WHY they suck at buying equipment (responses like yours turn into inefficient policies) and why THIS equipment can't suck or it won't be bought.

I've mentioned in a few responses here that I was an Engineer at Harris for the better part of a decade... there's enough misinformation floating around here that I thought I should provide a little insight as I worked on the an/prc 117G and the 152 (It's handheld predecessor)

Beat me to it brother. I was an Engineer at Harris for something like 10 years. Left a little over a year ago. Did a lot of work on the 117G and the 152.... with ANW2 being my specialty. Should probably do an AMA here about them.

Is it the bandwidth you're interested in or the data rate? Most folks mean data rate when they ask about bandwidth. Datarate is 10 Mbps (optimal)

Than no air support, no extraction, and no situational awareness? Let alone not knowing where your buddies are to keep you from putting those extra bullets into them. Every soldier I've worked with would gladly trade a few bullets for BFT letting you know where the good and bad guys are.

Difference is these radios aren't really new. Having worked at Harris, we've been selling the AN/PRC 117-G for... oh, 3 years now. ANW2 is almost 6 years old (Was developed for the 152). The things these radios can do is pretty darn impressive. They have to be. Harris' business model requires it.

I used to work for Harris RF for about 10 years (left a little over a year ago). We used to joke that the reason everybody there had Girls due to the high power RF we were constantly subjected to.

" If it wasn’t for EA none of the sim city’s after the very first would’ve existed. "

Here's the thing, who cares? Money was put to good use here. This was money that would have been spent on something frivolous to promote the movie. Now it promotes the movie by doing good in the world. Why does the fact that it promotes the movie somehow taint that?

Yeah what a terrible article (well, not the article itself, but the guy's responses) His offerings:

1. Don't do it
2. Don't let the cattle see 1st class (Perhaps the only real suggestion in the whole thing)
3. Pay attention when the pilot says we're flying over the grand canyon (loses it's luster after say, the 3rd

This is particularly funny coming from Gawker, home of the formatting 'we know what you want to see better than you do' wars.

A 10 inch tablet with the home buttons set up for portrait mode? Not buying it

Just imagine what the show would be like if they cast and wrote Skye like a believable uber hacker chick who lives out of her van. I'm thinking 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' type character

Skye is seriously ruining this show for me. Grant is a non-character which is bad but recoverable. Skye on the other hand is grating. Her unearned arrogance, prideful ignorance, and annoying 'fangirl' approach are simply show-ending IMO.

"It's simple: As a standard-issue, always-on-and-enabled FEATURE of the Xbox One, Kinect was something that had a hugely better chance (not a guarantee, but a good chance) of being developed for in a meaningful way."

No I'm with you, and it has nothing to do with being more 'accessible' and has a lot to do with looking less trashy.