
“The car likely could’ve performed the task, if not for an oblivious motorist driving a Volkswagen Polo that happened to saunter into our lane to pass a slower truck in front of it. We were traveling at well over 160 mph, and less than two seconds later, an alarmingly firm brake press produced a Porsche Cayenne that

Why are there links in this story that link back to this story? I thought it was about bigger & better, not this and this again.

The price isn’t so far off from the European Z1 market; start at €23,000 and go up to €125,000, at least on AutoScout24.com

1st world problems.

So when did BMW start equipping cars with XBox controllers instead of steering wheels? I must’ve missed that.

Oh, so ambulance crews ARE supposed to strap the patient in. I’ve always wondered that because on my first ride in an ambulance, I wasn’t strapped in, and held on for dear life because I thought I’d end up rolling around inside the thing.

Classy, both the guy who broke the car, and the car’s owner. The former showed that it’s important to own up to your mistakes and not cast blame on someone/something else, and the latter that, “shit happens.” That’s what insurance and repair shops are for.

Those wheels work for me. Nice price alllllll day long!

That bowling ball story made me laugh. Good thing I’ve never done anything like that... Yeah, don’t ask.

And what’s with the gangsta grip with the weapon?

Very fitting that the current resident of the White House would ride with Jerry; the title of the show says it all.

MURILEE'S BACK!!! You, sir have been missed. For all those surprised to learn he's not a she... NOOBS!

Bah; just another blustery day in South Dakota.

I don't think that car got very clean; they should let him go through again.

And *that* is why insurance rates for young males driving WRXs are what they are.

Why don't you question the motives of people like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson? Seems to me they do more to hold back progress in racial issues than anybody on the right. I'd throw Barack Obama in that same category as well.

Reliant Robin.

What? Hypocrisy from a darling of the left?!?!? NO! FRICKIN!!! WAY!!!!!!!

This has got to be an FN JK.

I'm still trying to figure out who JK is and why we should care.