Amen, brutha! Preach it! Plastic in the engine compartment is evil incarnate. Or at least a Really Bad Idea™.
Amen, brutha! Preach it! Plastic in the engine compartment is evil incarnate. Or at least a Really Bad Idea™.
Lame. Can I have my ~4 minutes back please? You can do a lot offroad with any vehicle, provided you don't care if it'll get you back home. Anybody else notice that the right-rear wheel looked a little goofy when it finally came down the ridge at the end?
Hard to believe a lame attempt at humor through quoting a lame line from a movie can generate an argument. If I had spoken the line instead of writing it out, nobody would've said boo.
They worry about what they can get done on their way to where they are going rather than how they get there, how long it takes, or what they see outside the car along the way. IOW, something like this would be perfect for about 99% of the US driving population. Pardon me while I go roll my eyes.
The sound you hear is my eyeballs rolling in their sockets.
What; you'd expect the seller to warranty a 24 year old car for you? ;)
Nah; you must be thinking of the M5 with your $300 a month estimate, and that if you have someone else do the work. I'm guessing that many of the parts replaced on this car didn't necessarily NEED to be replaced, but the owner did so to bring it up a few notches to make a nice car a great car. Some of the items…
This. Who buys a car without test driving it? Now that he has the car and has paid way too much for it, he ought to jump at the $2k they're offering. That plus the fact that the car is still under warranty (I would bring it in for every stinking little thing) ought to make it good.
That was great. I think he blew his chance at a date with the cute blonde... "You're not doing anything wrong cuz you're just following the sheep? Awesome! Are you joining in the riots later as well?"
If I had a dollar for every notebook sketch I did of the Bricklin in my high school years, I could buy this car. And would.
Sounds like a very likable guy. Any bets on whether he's hiding a time machine in there too?
You only trust the shops to do oil changes & tire rotations? The easy stuff is what shops have screwed up most on my cars... lug nuts not torqued properly (either way, way, way too much resulting in broken tools when I went to change a flat or so loose that the wheel nearly fell off), over-torqued oil pan drain plug,…
Hey! That's my barn!
:yawn: And how much money was blown on the creation of this little non-stunt? Curious stockholders want to know.
Got sucked in. That's why the engine isn't running at the moment. Or any time soon. ;o)
A fool and his engine are soon parted. Aesthetics > trashed short block + trashed pistons. Fail.