The 'medium' sized drinks at any given fast food place is getting bigger too. I went for the medium upgrade on my last trip through the BK driveup and was shocked at how big that stupid cup was.
The 'medium' sized drinks at any given fast food place is getting bigger too. I went for the medium upgrade on my last trip through the BK driveup and was shocked at how big that stupid cup was.
@TheAntiCat: I think most would agree that it ceases to be a minivan once it exceeds 500 ponies! ;)
Wait: Murilee is marrying a girl? ;)
So much for the Alameda DOTS Tour™ business venture. :sigh:
Yikes. Awful deal for the driver.
@oddfish: Don't feel too bad; I had thoughts along the same lines but couldn't find the car that might fit. Thanks for that though!
One of the three new cars I ever bought was an '82 Charger 2.2. The wimpy little 96hp pulled the little tin can around pretty well, and the Goodyear Eagles kept it stuck to the road pretty well in the corners. I didn't keep it for more than a year. Since then that model has all but disappeared from the roads around…
Hold on a sec... Since when did the Bangle Butt become 'appealing'?
Rear- or front-drive preference. Take that you stinkin' ricers!
Ripped straight out of a "My Name Is Earl" episode.
@VeeArrrSix: The 735i would've solved that problem quite nicely. I recently bought one, and for the first time I can drive somewhere with my wife in the the front seat and my two 6-foot-plus sons in the back seat, and everybody's comfortable. I really like that car.
None of your bizzness. Stay off'n my driveway. ;o)
@gman1023: Wow do I feel old. But I had the same reaction when these cars first came out. Still hate the way they look. I usually like a wagon, but the oval-windowed wagon is even worse than the sedan.
Oh come on you guys! The owner is obviously an ARTIST, and this car is merely his canvas for a serious Work of Art™. Or is that Piece of Art™? Or Piece of ?
@tinkertank: I thought of that mongrel too; that was a sweet piece of work, and a little more oomph than the SHO to be sure. Both builds are very sweet looking though, and would totally transform the Esprit.
A good friend of mine bought an '86 Taurus brand new, and that was the sorriest excuse for a new automobile I've ever witnessed. It seemed like it spent more time in the shop than in his driveway; don't remember all the details, but the litany sounded a lot like KAR120C's grandma's wagon. Alternators, steering stuff,…
I've seen too many junkyard cars that have been ripped to shreds by guys that got there before me. I usually go by the "common as dirt" rule of thumb and add the "depends on how difficult it is to get at it" corollary.
@JC Whitless: Classically awesome.
@SLRSpeedshop: What?!?! Murilee is leaving Alameda?
There were a lot of garages like that in the neighborhood where I grew up; now marked as a "historic district". Many of them were retrofitted with a four or five foot high bump-out on the front of the garage to accommodate longer cars. Took some creativity — and some serious cheapskatedness — to go that route!