
What'd they say? Durned Francophones.

@Sth002000: But I'd bet you were making $4 an hour, and happy with it.

I filled up the wifemobile on Saturday for $65; 20-some gallons at $3.22. This week the price is down to $3.15; topped off my tank after a short road trip to check my mileage. 26.8mpg.

Very nice! Good thing you had a plausible story to explain the parking lot shot. No cheatin' on DOTS!

I think somebody put Drano in this guy's crack pipe.

Any hard or soft top options? Or are they leaving that to the aftermarket?

Such an ignoble use of the old Datsun, but dang... That plan sounds like fun. (not to) Sharpe. Awesome. Don't forget the Sharpie pin striping.

That's definitely not Good news.

Wow; paint it a decent color and it wouldn't be that bad.

@six: PCH too. Wrecked my whole day.

@thunder: Anybody know what that is?

Any other shots of this guy?

The question is, will the support team truck be able to keep up with it? 'Cause with all that gear bouncing around at high speeds, something is gonna break down.

Such a cool little car, and with all the work done to it I'd bet most all the demons have been exorcised.

Can you believe it? 17 hours left on the auction and still no bids. Udderly unbelievable.

@Cognitive_Friction: That would be a sight, but isn't the goal of entering LeMons to win? Or at least try? Can't see that being a possibility with a Rabbit, much less one that's burdened with another half a Rabbit.

One of my all-time favorite cars, of any brand.

What do you suppose our brilliant commentator would say if she came up behind this puppy traveling down I-35?