Dave Ralph

hahahaha. She is one of the few, if not only, American in any sport I root against in international play. A real grade A piece of crap.

On the plus side, if you recently found out your spouse had a AM account you can rest assured they never had sex with another woman and are probably too stupid to ever do so.

You mean a site that had the express purpose of helping married people bypass the rules of married life, was also completely ripping people off? WHODA THUNK IT

THANK YOU. Same. I remember when Gen X was getting these stupid fucking scare articles about how dating is over and everybody panic!!!!!! but it’s actually based on what like 10 super-assholes are doing in Manhattan.

Mostly age. Athletes have a curve and women do not typically dominate past 30. I'm sure somebody is going to point out somebody who had won a major at 35, but I don't think there have been women who are leagues apart from the competition at her age, hitting harder and playing as if they were 22. And she isn't curvy.

I'll never believe Serena Williams is clean.