
It’s frustrating that the NFL can’t be more progressive like the PGA Tour and open up a hotline so viewers can report penalties directly to the league. Talk about a way to let your fans do your work for you.

Story checks out as fact:

You mean because all the Skins players move as though one of their legs is caught in a bear trap?

Me, a Knicks fan:

“I didn’t know NFL teams had homecoming games,” he said. “I thought that was a high school thing.” 

Fans might take the game more seriously if it weren’t being called Snyder-Man: Homecoming

He’s kind of like the Richard Sherman of the NFL in his wavering between smart, thoughtful, outspoken guy and complete asshole.

Draymond Green’s a dick-and-balls-kicking asshole but he’s also right a lot of the time. For every can’t miss prospect like LeBron or KD or Zion, there’s a dozen guys every year who have the potential to have long, productive careers in the NBA and never get it because they don’t land in a situation that’ll help them

He’s not wrong. Of course then the Knicks are out here wondering how certain teams keep getting lucky all the time. Truly a mystery. 

LeBron James: [no look] “Pass.”

I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.

That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.

I’ve always loved the sport of boxing and the artistry of it at its highest levels, but it’s getting harder and harder to justify morally. Re-watching the knockout, Day was game and defending himself until the final strike. In other words, he isn’t dead because of the referee or his corner screwing up and allowing him

Actually, we know the questions and the answers. We’ve known them for decades. Boxing has always been a sport built on allowing the impoverished an avenue to what they perceive to be wealth and notoriety if only they will beat each other to a pulp for the entertainment of the privileged. Knowing what we know about the

I preferred it when NASCAR limited its furtherance of mass-extinction events to mindlessly burning vast quantities of fossil fuels for our entertainment. 

Killing Splinter is obviously the greater sin, but why did the VC dipshits ruin the “you may also like” on the main page that used to link to like other sites’ stuff? Now it just shows the same nonsense video articles over and over and over.

It was almost a relief knowing that after St. Louis fans had themselves a nice day watching their favorite hockey team visit their favorite president ever, that they received a nice, swift kick to the gonads in the form of the Cardinal’s being swept, to bring them back to reality. 

Do you still receive an automatic 4.0 for the semester if your roommate gets arrested for a felony?

Unbeknownst to him, the real money was riding on “Bet you can’t get Connor arrested before midterms”.

Well, that was nice of him