
Floyd’s Owner: I-I-I never thought I’d survive. I totally screwed the pooch here.

Why not, nobody is playing football there. *

Miami will get to witness 1 winner, which is currently 1 better than their current team has.

A fair criticism. Unfortunately it leaves out a line:

I’m an adult I should be able to call him Bob (or Dickhead) if I want. Do you agree?

apples and mandarins

I’m surprised at this anti-Bulgaria post.

I'm more of a Maslowe's Hierarchy of Guys guy myself. 

He’s trying to get drafted as a safety, since he’s only good at hitting people.

Bluegrass? Weirdest nickname I’ve ever seen for cocaine, but who am I to judge

the five phases of Guys

The temerity to say the fuckin’ league had “a bad week”. Try being a protester in Hong Kong, or a typhoon victim in Japan...or shit, a Kurd! 

See, taking a knee doesn’t always get you in trouble in sports as a player, a long as you’re kneeling with both of them.

Paragraph one—that is exactly the reasoning I used in my middle school debate on the pro side of allow China Most Favored Nation trade status, and we see how it turned out. I’m not saying that to mock the argument, I’m mentioning it because it’s an old dream long held (I turned 40 last week) that should be shaken

oh fuck off the NBA economy...what is that even? Are you worried about the fucking towel boys? They don’t get a share of jersey sales, you fucking moron.

“If you are using a smart phone to check your email or if you watched the Lebrun press conference on a tablet or smart tv you are just as guilty as they are of turning a blind eye for the sake of your own convenience and profit.”

This is such a tortuous pile of nonsense, false dichotomy BS. 

“You, yes, YOU, are EXACTLY

I think this defense is broadly right—but it still amounts to LeBron saying that the sensitivities of one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes should set boundaries on what people in the NBA say in public. Which is fuckin’ gross!

Daryl Morey, notedly averse to information

I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.

I don’t have eyes in the back of my throat, champ.