
You mean like maybe the Texans mediocre coach is a mediocre GM too? Huh...

This is quite a coup on the part of the Texans. It’s almost impossible to trade away a guy with a name like “Jadeveon Clowney” and get a better name in return, but “Barkevious Mingo” definitely fills that void. That’s at least a top 50 all time NFL name. For a linebacker, it’s practically onomatopoeia.

I cant speak for Tyler Skaggs obviously but when I saw oxycodone AND Fentanyl were the drugs in his body, it led me to this possible conclusion. Most people that overdose from fentanyl dont even know they’re taking fentanyl. Oxycodone, for instance, is normally more expensive to buy bc of DEA regulations that cracked

Did you read their statement? Because to me the statement and the hiring of Rusty Hardin send the exact same message- they’re pissed off and looking for someone to blame.

What the hell does cocaine have to do with Skaggs? Or for that matter the massive opioid crisis in general? Not saying blow is good per se, but compared to the shit that’s killing people daily it’s relatively harmless.

We will not rest until we learn the truth about how Tyler came into possession of these narcotics

If you’ve never been to a meeting, it helps, even if you don’t think you have a problem. I went to meetings once a week for two months and it changed my life. You don’t have to say anything and can just listen, and there are snacks.

This is just sad. I battled with addiction for a number of years and have been sober for 4 years now. I count myself lucky that I cleaned myself up before fentanyl started flooding the market. I have known so many people...good people...that have died as a result of this shit that I sometimes feel desensitized to the

why did you repost my pic?

We all know that agents, attorneys, all have their agenda—by the way, they’re all taking money out of the pie, too, when they’re there. And so the straighter it goes from the source to the one receiving it, nine times out of ten, that’s more efficient.

the cops, understandably, expect him to flip on any accomplices

One way or another I better not have to go back to using goddamn Taxis whenever I’m in Philly or NYC. I can’t go back to having to call around to 5 different damn Taxi companies after a show at The Tower before someone will send a goddamn car for me.

Frau Ingraham, what is the proper German translation for your tweet?

Miss Ingraham, I served with Stannis Baratheon, I knew Stannis Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon was a friend of mine.

It’s almost like someone already figured out all the business logistics for this kind of business, how to pay employees and how to structure fares in order to make a profit. But shit, they weren’t tech bros, they were just a bunch of blue collar nobodies so that doesn’t count.

I largely agree with this sentiment, save for one item:

I did it for the gram too

A tank and an armored vehicle were brought in to Keeling

$20 bucks for 3 hours is less than minimum wage.  That doesn’t sound great at all.

Tom, stop yelling at clouds and follow me on WUPHF