
I have no friends and desperately need some, but I certainly wouldn’t be friends with these clowns.

You’d think Johnson would’ve learned to live with his aides by now.

When you’re living rent free in the libs heads AND your mom’s basement

OK, Donnie Jr., but nobody forgot about your dad’s worst deal—paying $130,000 to rent three cubic inches of Stormy Daniels for seven minutes.

Bunch a fuckin’ grumpy old men in the comments section today.

I know we all love to pile on Tesla and their fan-boyish owners.

Has Stephen A. lost a step?

This is total nonsense. Obviously his teammates beat him up for being a punter.

So just to be clear, the best way to “address these things head on” is to refuse to answer questions and then kick out the questioner.  Got it.

Kobach is such a shitty lawyer, a court ordered him to get remedial lessons. Who cares what he thinks about the Constitution? He doesn’t know anything.

Rresponses like Toobin’s have got to become the (minimum) standard by which the media operates if we are to survive this catastrophe of an administration.

Well Derrick Rose can’t do it by himself. He needs others to help him out.

Something like a team. Or a gang.

I fully expect that Paul Ryan, in his final few months as speaker of the house, will defend himself in the manner we’ve become accustomed to when he is attacked by Donald Trump, which means he will just sit there and take it and will leave Washington like a beaten little bitch with his tail tucked firmly between his

Not sure why I read “Boxer Loses His Eye After...”

I read the headline wrong and now I am leaving releived but slightly disappointed.

Yeah, but maybe he’ll turn down that fourth-year option because he’ll only be due - let me check - hahahahaha!

Dude, why so upset at the Rocket’s horribly style of play and gleeful at their demise? It’s just basketball!  I mean, just because because they play the worst brand of basketball, have the worst combination of jerk-offs as players, and epitomize assholery in its finest and...

This is all true and yet, is it also possible that... perhaps...

Literally woke up today, saw the score, and asked myself if today was the day for the “Rockets Suck” blog. I was right.