
If you think about it, we know less about events in the future than we do in the past. That’s why we are doomed to repeat our future mistakes for the first time :(

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Do less.

Nice pseudonym, Jim.

best one yet

I find it even more incredible that the obese labs with the gene were able to refill their food bowls over and over again until they got fat. No wonder these smart little guys are used as service dogs!

12. Pivot Tables

The driver also died as well in that collision, the fire extinguisher the guy was carrying struck his helmet. The open cockpit leaves the driver’s head exposed.

A prevailing theory is that that girls have two X chromosomes and boys only have one. If something goes wrong for the boys on the X, they don’t have the other X chromosome as a sort of backup. Same reasoning as to why color blindness is much more common in boys.

Yeah I live in SF. Spent some time in Chicago and it does not come even close to the city by the bay. I don’t know how the concept of supply and demand equals a real estate scam, but having lived in a couple different places all over the US, I've learned that you absolutely get what you pay for.

Yeah, I live in Lower Haight. Agree to disagree.

Douche bag hipsters trying to be trendy fucking love Oakland. In no possible way should it be above San Francisco.

Take into account that they went to the playoffs a few of those ten years.

If my time was even remotely valuable I’d be fucking pissed at this post.

As a Notre Dame alum I feel compelled to say... Fuck Rudy. Great article.

If he was just fine in Drive then why did I get a boner when he stomped that dude’s face in inside the elevator?

The slow motion basically shows his thought process > “COMING IN HARD... oh shit I’m pretty squared up better close the wickets... Oh shit hope someone is behind me...” Pretty terrible on the part of his boys who shoulda had his back there, wAaaaaay too much open space behind him

Or, if you’re into crossfit, you should run into oncoming traffic.