
No, but their friend’s cousin heard about a guy that went straight from weed to blowing dudes for crack, though. So it’s true.

As opposed to Josh Gordon, who smokes quarters at an impressive rate.


Somebody call the waaaaaaaaambulance.

As a warning, the video’s rough to watch.

That story ends with me putting a cigarette out on my arm and thinking it was the funniest thing ever...

It was in Southern California. Not exactly a lot of public transportation options down there.

Andrew Luck still had a flip phone after getting a $14.5 million signing bonus.

Turd sandwich.

Holy shit. Seems like he never even had a chance in there. So fucked.

Neither of those happened in NASCAR.

If the rookie hat fit you must acquit.

Not really, a newspaper is still a newspaper, but a musket is NOT an AR-15.

Of course the black market will still be around, but supply will go down and prices will go up and there will be less guns. It wouldn’t be perfect but it would be better.

Back when I worked at a restaurant I would go stand in the walk in fridge for like 5 minutes, it really did the trick. No longer an option since I sit in a soul-sucking cubicle, sadly.

You actually completely misquoted your own quote. Yes, being in the top 30% is “one of the better” as quoted, as opposed to your “one of the best” statement that came “out of left field.”

Tonight he was preferred over Ehire Adrianza, Juan Perez, and Andrew Susac to pinch hit...

A Schiano man would never fuck with this shit.

A Schiano man would never fuck with this shit.

We’ll definitely not seven figures, but six figures accompanied by a five figure signing bonus and enough equity to shake a stick at.