
Yes. Your "Time Warner" is not out - the connection to the internet still works - you just can't log into XBL. Technically, you can't contact XBoxLive, and that only refers to connection attempts made on your XBox. You can surf to and log in, change your account settings, manage your download queue, etc.

Hah hah, joke's on you! FiOS doesn't make as much money as 4G LTE so Verizon's not rolling out any more service areas.

Uh, no, everybody gets ads now, and have for months. Nothing to do with the outage in question.

Point of order: Verizon is not really trying anything with FIOS anymore. They make more money off capped 4G LTE. So ... just Google Fiber now.

Glad somebody hit the obvious joke. ;-)

It's a good day for Transmetropolitan fans. We get Mitt Romney doing a parody of the Beast's "51%" monologue, and Seyyer giving Reagan the Senator Longmarch treatment. Excellent!

As laughable as a breakfast cereal to raise funds for autism might seem ... compare and contrast to, say, touring the country to convince parents not to vaccinate their children so they won't "get" autism.

"You take that away, you promise gamers that they will get to see the ending of the game, and you have a game that isn't even worth the $50 you spent on it."

But if everyone knows it can be played on "easy" mode, how will I brand myself as a "real gamer" by playing this game?

How are these experiences different from playing a multiplayer console game such as one that requires authenticating with EA Online's servers? You'd have potential firewall problems (unless you'd had those firewall problems with another game, which doesn't count as not having them), you'd have potential

What was wrong with the Bartle Quiz, you gormless nutters?!

"This isn't gonna be cheap. the iPhone version is $17.99, the iPad's will run $19.99."

Context, please! He's not saying this as a historian, he's saying this as a game designer.

"Just stop trying to glorify American games by trying to shit on Japanese games holy shit that's sad."

To be fair, not having anything to do with the bulk of his last mystery/sci-fi show doesn't make me want to invest my time in this show.

Nothing about "Dies the Fire" can be accurately described as "very well" except perhaps the level of Mary Sue wish-fulfillment given to the main character.

Wasn't this Dies the Fire, and wasn't it terrible?

Valid point. Planters doesn't have the NUT-rition peanut butter on their website yet so no nutrition info for NUT-rition. Also, can we have a moratorium on puns that destroy search engines?

"I am a huge proponent of putting granola on everything edible, yet it had never occurred to me to combine it with peanut butter."

That's what I said about gaming in the 80s!