Inaccurately quoting comedian Tom Papa: "Crying babies on planes don't bother me, because that's what babies do - they cry. The children who bother me are the ones who are old enough to say OUT LOUD all the thoughts I'm trying to bury in my head. 'What's that thing, is it supposed to look like that?' 'It's really…
Heh. Reminds me of how Jewel Staite and Sean Maher (Kaylee and Dr. Simon from Firefly) get cast in an episode of Warehouse 13 ( as a young married couple ... running a bakery.
"It's like getting price gouged at the gas pump, but only one country is getting the shaft."
"In the Interim
I guess this is where I remind - or point out, if you didn't know - that in the last year, Spain has gone from a laid-back democracy with progressive internet policies to a country with a brand new "anti-copyright" bill that's been compared to SOPA (Wikileaks cables pointed out it was more or less crafted by the…
Switch to OpenDNS?
Republicans: Out of touch with World of Warcraft. Out of touch with MMORPGs. Out of touch with America.
"two perplexed extras who have no self-defense training whatsoever"
Booo! Your article is bad and you should feel bad!
"I think EA's message is clear that the employee was terminated for cause"
I think changing the word wouldn't help as much as moving the clause: "legal warning over concerns"
"What EA is saying is that Cousins gave company secrets to an EA competitor and that they fired him because of that. It's a serious accusation, of course, but one that would make the letter seem more focused and less likely to be the kind of thing copied to anyone who splits from the company."
Um... I don't really agree with Totilo's read on that.
I saw that on Reddit and thought
I don't think this contest was a one-time thing, and I suspect they don't publicize their code since they probably want to win next year. (Which is not to say that making their code open and opening themselves to competition wouldn't force them to do even better, but that's not the typical instinct.)
There are ways to block the ads if you have a router; it's more the idea that ads have been there a fair amount of time AND ALSO the ads don't matter if you can't log on.
I'm just saying it's kind of shitty to come to a thread where there are tens of thousands of people who can't get into XBL and complain about *the ads.* It's like going to a lost & found box and showing other people your umbrella and going "I see you've lost your umbrella, but look at this shitty logo on mine, I look…
I'm talking about 4G LTE because *Verizon isn't adding new FIOS plants.* Anyone who isn't in a FIOS service area right now will most likely never get FIOS because it's not as high a profit as their wireless service, and anyone who's in a FIOS area now is almost certainly going to end up getting service degradation as…