
Oh hell, these indie developers have STOLEN assets, making it impossible for the big-budget developers who created those assets to ever use them again, depriving the customers who bought the original games from loading the software they've already payed for, depriving the original artists of even the MEMORY of having

Wait ... The Frost-Giant's Daughter was an inversion of the Greek fantasy trope "Random God sees a hot chick, rapes her," where Conan sees a hot titan and tries to rape her. How exactly is this game based on that?

Now playing

All talks about DRM like this remind me of Cory Doctorow's talk

All digital rights management converges on malware and/or surveillance.

If you stop buying their stuff, the company will start to go down the toilet, and all the good developers jump ship to find work with other companies.

Buffer overflow exploit for Uplay in 10, 9, 8....

USteveFI? HottEFI? Nope, doesn't work.

As the old joke goes, "Who is 'we,' white man?"

They don't care if you hate them as long as you keep buying their games

Yes, because you're providing revenue. You should be spending your time, money, and enthusiasm on a publisher that loves you back, instead of going back to your abusive ex (but he speaks French!).

I'm waiting for the day that some Senator's kid installs a rootkit-ish game on the wrong PC and suddenly we've got senior elected officials granstanding about how 40-page EULAs authorizing spyware should be not just banned but punishable by death.

I just show up to the UbiHate parties for the free drinks, man.

Wrong use of which expression? Non-housebroken animals that shit all over things that are important to people don't spitefully pick things to shit on. The camel's back wasn't broken spitefully. Were any victims of radiation poisoning every deliberately spiteful assholes in the hopes they would get nuked?

Buffer overflow exploit found in Uplay application in 10, 9, 8....

Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen

Piracy is a much worse crime than shoplifting. If you're referring to the "robbery on the high seas" variety. If you mean "infringement of intellectual property rights," then you've got to be joking again because it's nothing at all like shoplifting.

Man, just stop digging the hole. "Playing AC3" is nowhere on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, you won't suffer for not playing it. The same things that make piracy not really a big deal (it's not really stealing, because digital goods aren't scarce goods, you can't deprive someone of their copy of AC3 by making a copy

"You realize that taking action like this just justifies their putting DRM in place and makes the experience miserable for the legitimate, paying, patient majority."

Well, uh, the idea that there's such as thing as "the" female perspective is probably a cognitive defect...

Gradual purchases?! You mean you didn't just put a $5000 Alienware laptop on a credit card, miss a few car payments, get repo'd, have your girlfriend dump you because you're a whiner, then post on the internet about how you'd be happier if you didn't have to make so many choices? What are you, some kind of communist?