
OK, some fact checking because you obviously haven't: New Zealand is avery small country with a tax payer-funded public healthcare system. That is not a cheap thing to run, and anyone applying for residency must meet a range of conditions relating to their skill set, employability, value to the economy, and against

You didn't.

This would be a case of Polynesians (Tongans, Samoans, Fijians, etc.) immigrating to New Zealand i.e. they are not the indigenous inhabitants. It may be racist (not saying it is or isn't their motivation, I have no idea), but they are certainly not discriminating against the indigenous population of New Zealand in

BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHA resisting cyber bullying by posting a long drawn out "I turned out better than her" article on an internet blog.

Lindy, I truly say this out of love, but this is a really poorly researched article.
Just a couple of quick reasons why:
1. There is no problem with uninsured medical treatment - in NZ the healthcare system is free to everybody, paid via taxes.
2. The man involved was on a temporary work visa. There are numerous

But why shouldn't New Zealand be allowed to deport non-citizens for whatever reason they choose? Going to a foreign country is like applying to college. They have no obligation to take you. As a matter of fact, the New Zealand Immigration office can say that Albert Buitenhuis's name is too hard to pronounce and deport

It actually is a lot more complicated than that. A lot of people move to NZ for the free healthcare, so immigration has to be certain you're not taking advantage. It's a bit harsh to flat-out say that NZ is "deporting fat people." It's likely that there are many factors at stake in this one case.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl with beer, if it were me.

I'm not a vegan but as far as I know there isn't a really humane or ethical way to get dairy. A cow has to have a baby to give milk. Even in the best farms the calves are sold to be kill and made into veal. The baby can't have the milk if we're drinking it or turning it into cheese.

I know that one fairly unavoidable (to my knowledge) problem with egg production is that, since males don't lay eggs and no one really wants to eat the males, you have to dispose of the male chicks somehow.

Ugh. I think we should all agree to stop talking about "shocking" PETA campaigns. It just gives their horrible group more publicity. There's no chance an actual teenager would ever find that ad amusing anyway.

Schmidt is full of win. I am a Zooey Deschanel fan (yes, even the music), and I still admit that the show is all about Schmidt. You're absolutely right.

I want to see him pronk.

The tone of this piece really bothers me. "OF COURSE you should be into lab meat, or else you don't have a HEART, you big meanie!" But if you think that it's cruel and mean and heartless to slaughter animals to eat, you don't need to wait 10-20 years to get rid of that feeling—you can just stop eating them now.

An atheist about it? Like, "I don't even believe in babies! You have no proof they exist!"? Heh.

But well-said. I agree that this shouldn't be as gendered a concept as it is.

You get to define what is meaningful to you, and obviously, there's more to you than being a mom. What I'm saying, is that (a) having children is universally recognized as a meaningful and important life choice, (b) that often it's portrayed as the only meaningful (or at least MUCH more) meaningful and important life

As someone who is a fantastic consumer and is well aware how much she dicked over her own finances via spending, I get where you are coming from.

I didn't miss the point, I get it, I just disagree with your entire premise. Which is fine. People can have separate opinions! I'm not gonna get into an semantic internet argument on this article. Sorry I brought it up.

I didn't use tampons until I was 17. These little fillies are brave.