It still happens on the pill unfortunately, but now I'm on the shot, which means zero periods and zero period poops!!
It still happens on the pill unfortunately, but now I'm on the shot, which means zero periods and zero period poops!!
Speaking of which, there is at least one Skittles ad that should have a trigger warning. You know which one I mean.
I doubt any of these entertainers have even been to college. Obviously they didn't need to, and many would not have been able to. So we're all judging them for not being as educated as we are, which is also kind of shitty.
Hmm I thought this too while watching the video perhaps the exploitation goes both ways then. She is exploiting them for their race and connections with hip-hop culture and they are exploiting her sexuality (and the fact she is a naive dumb-dumb). Everybody wins? Or nobody does... The video makes it look like all the…
Exactly, she looks like a french maid with a little velour trim and ears.
Kawaiiiiiiiii! Alternatively, from the position of the Shame Cone Cat: Mendokusai.
In the shelter's I've worked at, it's never been a black pet problem. Brindle dogs however, are definitely not very popular. :(
Oh I'd love to hear about your background, because you have turned out to be an absolute gem.
As a now adult girl from a dysfunctional family - fuck you. It's not enough we don't get the full package when it comes to family - now we aren't allowed any friends either? Your kids will grow up very sheltered and shallow if they only associate with people with "perfect" families. Get over yourself.
Yes but my original point wasn't to you, it was to thebloodofthematador who cautioned that weed (but not alcohol) could endanger your mental health.
They brought in a policy at my work, and I haven't smoked for about 8 months. I miss it a little sometimes, but it's not that hard to resist, it's not that great. Everyone should do it once (or a couple times) and I have some lovely weed memories (most of which involve food) but meh. It can wait till you change jobs.…
Haha the brownie memories are often vague, bwahahaha.
Yes, drinking is more common, but what I'm objecting to is that pot is inherently worse than alcohol for your health, or your mental well being, just because it's illegal and alcohol is not. Nobody ever says don't try alcohol just once, you'll become addicted, it'll fuck up your health, it's a gateway drug etc. etc.…
What kind of big brother shit is this???? I'm still outraged they random test at my WORK and they pay me. You're allowed to drink as much as you like (once the kids are weened let's say) but a hint of weed and you are a 'bad parent?" Fuck that noise, man.
To the same end, alcohol is not for everybody. And at least personally I have seen a lot more people destroy their lives/health with drinking than they have with pot. I know that's anecdotal, but I still think it's a fair point.
It must take forever too - when I boil water for pasta I do it in the kettle first, then pour it (boiling) into a pot on the stove. It saves time.
Ripped off - I thought said dog would be IN the video...
Maybe because her Kiwi accent hurts your ears?
I needed this today. I work at a zoo and one of our beloved big cats passed away today. There's something about seeing animal babies which is so comforting when an old friend passes on. Circle of life and all that. Snow leopards are rumoured to be joining our zoo some time in the future, so this was very appropriate…
What language are they speaking? Are they from Korea? Makes me sad for all the North Korean kids who will never get to see their dad on Skype. :(