
You've gone from saying "probably" to more or less stating outright that's what he did. If that's the case, I'd agree that's pretty fucking shitty!

Yes that's the problem - maths! 20% is easy - 25% is probably even easier - and 18% is like "wtf, how much is that?!" But then if that were the case we'd see more women with this problem than men. Har har har.

I dunno - if the tipping system is so great, why is it really only commonplace in the States? We don't do tipping in my part of the world, and I'll admit that though our minimum wage isn't a living wage, it's higher than the positively criminal one offered to tipped workers over in the US. I can imagine that the

But in a no-tipping restaurant they would work for (presumably higher) wages only

It wasn't clear that's what you were doing by mentioning his job - it just appeared that you misunderstand how work visas actually function.

The point I was contesting is that your comment kept bringing up his job/the job he was paid to do. That has nothing to do with it, the job may well have allowed him to stay in the country up until that point, but his ability to do said job is not why he is being kicked out. You can change jobs while on a visa. You

I have a "no needing a degree" job. I also have a degree! THIS ECONOMY

So this. I worried reading this about the total lack of anonymity really - if "Stacey" is Erin's FB friend then she knows who Erin is. She probably reads her stuff, as probably many of Erin's FB friends do. Stacey has SO read this, she knows who this piece is about. She'll have read all of those harsh judgements and

The terrible thing is it also creates homophobia in those being taunted as they attempt to distance themselves from anything perceived as gay.

You're thinking of Australia. There is nothing here that will kill you. We don't even have rabies. Or guns for that matter. You're safer here than pretty much anywhere else in the world.

You tell them bro. Kia kaha. :)

As others have pointed out, everyone who lives in New Zealand is covered by our national healthcare system and it doesn't pay for itself. Many of these conditions listed would also count as pre-existing conditions which would deny you cover under private health insurance. I think it's worth it to say no to a number of

We have a reciprocal agreement with Australia and as such any Australians who come here are entitled to ours in turn. No so with South Africa.

It's nothing to do with his job, it's about whether he will be taking more from the national healthcare budget than he contributes.

All correct, but we don't call it "socialized medicine". We call it "medicine".

Quite seriously: the front page of the paper today was talking about how doctors here in NZ should be talking to patients about their career goals in order to get the "unemployed" (pretty sure they were talking about sickness beneficiaries, but that's not the word they used) off of benefits and into work. So clearly

We don't however have rabies... so... win?

It is unlikely that Polynesians would be deported, given that many of them have the right to live and work in New Zealand just as New Zealanders have those rights in Australia. In fact some Pacific Nations (e.g. the cook islands) have common citizenship with New Zealand.

Oh I thought we got rid of overweight immigrants by having the USA spy on them, then more or less hunt them down in their own homes because of grey-areas in copyright law... almost worked for this guy!