
This cake looks like the Pinterest/craft fail pictures going around facebook right now. I hope she didn't pay good money for that. The one on the left looks awesome though.

Try Unfuck Your Habitat - it's amazing!!!

We also inherited the nook - and it's name of course - from SITC. The act of this cuddle is "nooking". The person inside the nook is the "nook chook".

(He can't breathe underwater. Like dolphins, orcas have to surface to take a breath.) Zoological nerd here, sorry.

You're welcome! It might be easier for me to distance myself from PETA because I don't live in the United States, and their influence isn't as strong in other parts of the world. Here in NZ, we have a lovely animal charity called SAFE, and whilst a vegan/animal rights organization, it is quite conservative and works

I'm glad you went vegan and the reason why doesn't really matter because it all helps the animals. But don't be afraid to be lumped in together with "this lot" because many, many vegans (most?) find PETA's tactics to be sexist, disturbing and just plain wrong. They are just trying to be outlandish and maybe that works

I'm reading Parenting, Inc. right now, and I don't live in New York (or the States at all) but I am just baffled. I don't have any kids, and this book is just confirming my childfree stance. I don't see how anyone thinks they can afford children - not that I think thousands of dollars for preschool is reasonable or

Haha I have the promotional notebook from this campaign with all kinds of voyeuristic images in it. You know what I use it for? Recipes. So this image doesn't make me think "rape" at all, but instead "vegan pancakes". Shrug.

I'll just add that in my experience it has never been "Pre" just menstrual. Interesting research but I'll take it with a grain of salt.

lowl. I see what you did there.

Wait, women don't get annoyed because they get cramps - the two are completely different, separate period-related problems. They get annoyed because the feel-good hormones they have been allowed to feel for 3 weeks of the month have suddenly been taken away abruptly - it's like fucking withdrawals. I can feel the

Which this article did not, by illustrating that an evening of tacos and TV can be just as fulfilling for some.

Now playing

The "bag of dicks" remark always makes me think of this:

It was too stressful coming home to his "situation" you see. Blech! Own it, you pathetic excuse for a human being!!

Or! Or! Or... you could use it to argue with and emotionally abuse your kids like my mother did! Send them 15 tests in as many minutes! When they don't reply immediately, threaten to throw the cellphone (that they bought you) into the ocean!!Ring and hang up a whole bunch! Leave angry voicemail messages that cut off

Found this out firsthand the other weekend. I just hope nobody tried to smoke his poos.

An employer has suggested this to me in the past but I think the cognitive behavioural techniques would lead to me being even more paranoid of what people think of me than I already am. I think said employer realised that for every negative emotion you can see on my face, there is like 90% more I am actually managing

I totally get the idea and I think it's awesome that this little girl is being taught that smiley/chatty/nice is an optional mood dependant thing, not a default setting, and I wish other girls got the same message. However, I wonder if this mother might be be inadvertently setting her daughter back - I constantly feel

Haha the dogs at the end popping balloons. This is what my dogs would do if you tied a balloon to them. The balloons for my dogs today would say "Poor me, there was an earthquake" and "I ate a blanket"

That is so weird, that butterfly quote is written on a wall near my work. Everytime I walk past it now I'll think of these three and be grateful for my life.