
Is this just because there is less of them to start with, and a lower total volume means a smaller amount of body which can develop tumours?

OMG in my house as a teenager, where I was lucky to be able to find clean socks and for there to be any toilet paper left - this would have been a fucking godsend. Nothing worse than no pads/tampons in the house when your period arrives. BECAUSE THEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR TO STOP THE FLOW WHILE YOU GO OUT AND BUY

Let's just sign up for mail order candy once a month (or WEEK) so we don't feel left out. :)

Why did it have to end so prematurely!! The ONLY good Harlem Shake video I have ever seen.

These bears are surprisingly good at pole dancing.

And bonus, they will try to shack up with cats when they get old enough to select a mate. That video might be less cute.

Or I could just NOT try starving myself and get on with living my life. This diet suggested 48 hours, so twice what you claim is "fine".

And there is probably plenty of science that contradicts it too - I had always heard that when your body goes into "starvation mode" it's harder to lose weight as your body holds onto it's reserves just incase it's a long time before you eat again. Just another piece of contradictory weight loss advice.

I totes overeat - plus I am lazy - and I'm not overweight. Explain that one. Oh yeah, that's right, our bodies are all different!

Kind of off topic but why do TV shows need to dramas in order to be considered seriously good? I've enjoyed some top-notch well written comedies, but no one goes all beard strokingly deep on them, no matter how critically acclaimed.

I trim at home with a regular pair of scissors and I just go for it. I'm just not one of those people who gets that fastidious about hair, and mine's a straight long 'do with no layers or complicated stuff. I do my own fringe/bangs too. If you go slow and just take a bit off at a time then you can always abort to plan

Icky. :( I made a mistake at work the other day -oh wait! No! I didn't, I was totally right! And my manager was wrong! - but I was "wrong" in that I was unprofessional for pointing out that she was wrong. Now they've actually gone and changed the policy so that if I did the exact same thing again in future, I would be

I never understood that logic - when I was a teenager living at home, my mother would get all shitty when I'd ask her what was for dinner and tell me to make something. When I told her I didn't know how to cook, her reply was "Well, learn." Mine was "well, teach me!!". This was pre-Google and it's not like we had the

I feel your pain. When I was a kid, a bully kicked my bag and the yoghurt in my lunch ended up all over my stuff. I have never forgiven yoghurt and this might be why I didn't find going vegan all that hard...

I love when companies essentially turn a press releases in response to legal action into an actual advertisement. "Great tasting"? Let's stick to the facts please!

Yeah you make some really good points and it's true, people are visually based racists generally speaking - and I'd never try to claim I'm suffering (race-based) discrimination because I know that's not true! However you are giving my friend a bit too much credit only because his point of "You're not X" was in

I had a friend of over 15 years say to me the other day "but you're not X" when I was arguing the case for our local ethnicity (or, "How Not to Be a Racist"). "Erm, I AM ACTUALLY!" was my rather frustrated response. It's only a small fraction of my genetic identity, but it rather proved my point that you don't always

Well, somebody here just completed a first-year Theory of Argument paper, methinks! ;)

The Pams one, but only the crunchy version for some reason. Weird.

You are a professional. I'm sure we can't get many of those things here in New Zealand (I did recently uncover a hazelnut spread that's fine) but I like that you can veganise pretty much anything if you put your mind to it/live in America. :)