
Yes, but the author was clear that she does sleep with men in relationships, knows about it, and actually thinks she is helping. The other clients are not the issue here. It is not a criticism of her life choice, but a criticism of the insinuation that she provides something akin to relationship counselling. If the

This. I walked a friend's dog who pulls quite badly on the lead (mine are no angels, but they don't choke themselves just to get up the street). My friends dog just totally ignores you on a walk, won't make eye contact or respond to her name. It's like you are not even relevant to the walking process. Quite

Of course, exercise is only part of the equation for sure - even if it doesn't show on your waistline you're probably still much healthier for having taken your dogs out so much.

I have two dogs so the post poop bit sucks for me too - two leashes in one hand? One hand with leash and poop? Leash and a poop in each hand? Can't win.

There is often a link between obese owners and their obese pets, obviously if the owner doesn't get out for a walk, neither does the dog. The owner might feel bad about not having time for the dog and compensate with treats. The guilt my dogs subject me to if I don't walk them is probably the only thing keeping me

So with you on the Kill Your Streaming Device thing. I am so tired of that certain brand of person that says in their holier-than-thou voice: "I don't own a TV", but is more up-to-date on Parks and Recreation than you are because of The Internets. If TV is evil, surely so is all electronic media.

Now playing

To place an additional stereotype on top of your own:

So true - this is boyfriend work, or the work of a man who wants to become said boyfriend.

To be honest, it's not what you say but how you say it. If you seriously have the attitude of

Even if they aren't "equal" with us, the level of death and suffering we impose on them is pretty harsh. Let's say they were worth 10% of the consideration we give humans, or even 1%, .5% - the sheer number of animals we test on would more than add up to multiple "humans' worth" of suffering. I do understand that

Sure, but a "humanised" mouse does not a human make. I just think it's fucked up that we say it is scientifically correct to test on animals because of the ways that they are similar to humans, but we also use the fact that they are inherently different from, or "inferior" to humans to justify it ethically. You can't

You're so right. Priorities people!!

Naaaaw. Rats do that too, a kind of chirpy giggle when you tickle them. :3

I totally get what you're saying about "multicultural" understanding... some people take their tolerance and acceptance of other cultures to a point where they are actually accepting some pretty horrible attitudes and practises. We should critically analyse all cultures - most particularly our own!

I can accept that genetics is part of the package, but when you say a person's "education" is a factor in whether that person is gay or not, you're almost suggesting that someone could be educated into not being gay. Or educated into being gay. If the genetic potential is there. Not sure if I like that.

They seriously aren't all that crucial in human medical research because different species are so biologically different to us that many of the findings gained through animal testing are useless - tests still need to be performed on humans as well in order to yield any useful results. I'm not saying that it's not ever

Yes, this exactly - that is what the Tim Minchin song is saying - it is disregarding the idea of a soul mate and therefore concluding that statistically that there must be other people out there that would make suitable mates. In fact there must be thousands. You can have either the idea of soul mates or you can have

Agreed, if we're going to accept that people are "assigned" to each other the moment they are born, and that they'll just know when they meet, then can't we also accept that fate is benevolent enough to ensure you're born in the same era/continent/etc. etc. etc.? If you believe in soulmates you have to rely heavily on

If that were true, those of us with long term partners and other people not looking to hook up would dress in sweats and curry stained t-shirts 24/7. I dress up for myself because when everyone around me looks nicer than me I feel like shit, because I look like shit.