Darth Tigris

So let’s remove the emotion and hot takes from the discussion for a moment and look at this realistically. There is no Scenario where Bobby Kotick pays for his behavior. He could be removed from his position tomorrow, and he is still a billionaire who sits on the board of the worlds largest soft drink producer, and

I mean this article should probably just be titled, “My 10 Favorite Cars In Forza Horizon 5.” These certainly arent the best and most of the blurbs on these just amount to “I think it looks cool.” Btw, you never updated the “11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Forza Horizon 5" article that has a ton of incorrect

Ummm... So.... KOTOR was originally developed by Bioware. And LucasArts owns the IP. So... Yeah.

I convinced myself a while ago that I don’t need a next gen console anytime soon (at least until FFXVI and God of War, but I’m not dropping $600+ on two games alone), and...this was cool, but it looks like I’m still good until late 2022 at the very earliest. I'm not sure there's anything Sony could do to get me to buy

In this case it’s only really Quill that’s bugging me. Everyone else looks like their comic book versions, which the movies weren’t particularly faithful to. 

I don’t know, I think Metroid is Metroid and Castlevania is Castlevania, and anything that isn’t those two but plays similar gets the Metroidvania moniker.

Not a Metroidvania...just...Metroid!

But I mean, maybe I am wrong and it is a thoughtful and sensitive depiction.

Joel, respectfully, you are really stretching here
The word ‘Yakuza’ just plays like ‘mafia’ here - a scary sounding gang of dangerous dudes that our heroine has to face off with.

Check the playstation store. You can get the digital PS4 version that’s supposed to be PS5 compatible.

If by underrated you mean “they don’t sell it most places any more.

Not the same thing at all.

The nerve of these motherfuckers!

“Fox News’ resident Nazi Barbie…”

The plain sausage biscuit is the best. I always add one packet of grape jelly to mine. Sweet and savory.

It looks like most of the US of A lacks this as well. It’s “regional” but I have no idea which “region”.

I haven’t seen the most glorious food ever (from McDonald’s) on the menu here in Denver in the 10 years I have lived here. I figure it’s gone forever. I had no idea it was still a thing and miss it terribly.

Major facts with regard to the steak egg and cheese bagel. Unfortunately, I discovered during the pandemic while trying to order one after a years long hiatus that they are apparently region specific now. Or just being phased off of the menu entirely. I don’t know if any McDonald’s locations in my city carry it

The McDonald’s menu is now like six items and it’s nothing but disappointment. I miss 2015-era McD’s with, like, variety. 

What you’re missing is that the GOP standard procedure these days is to just say random shit as if it made logical sense but that falls apart if you think about it for ten seconds.