Darth Tigris

I would’ve chuckled if this wasn’t regarded as truth for some people.

If they had more Black people on their team they would’ve caught this

Pig in the City was better than the original by a long shot. Such a weird movie with absolutely incredible set designs.

It is a really cool movie. The first time I watched it in the mid 90's when I was a teenager I remember thinking how much better it was then the stuffy and pretentious 2001. My views on 2001 have changed a lot since.

At first this just came across as an “oops” sort of mistake. After seeing the way that the mineral sounds kind of like Dolemite, I’m now of the belief that this was someone on the localization team thinking they were being clever and getting caught. That does not seem as coincidental as one may first presume. Glad

In a post about the name change on the Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis Reddit group, some players lament the renaming, while others wonder why it was necessary in the first place

The article is about consoles, the implication being that they’re not available on the PS4 and Xbox One; anyone checking this list out probably isn’t worried about PC availability, since that’s typically included under the current-gen (Xbox Series X/S) umbrella.

If you have a Series X this is not aimed at you, like at all. You have the console why would you stream it instead of just playing it on your console in the first place?

In my colleague’s defense Shadow was kinda sorta cool in Adventure 2. Wasn’t strapped yet either.

> shows you are incapable of good judgement on this matter. That you’re gladly agreeing with the GamerGater above is pretty fucking telling.

The biggest lie of modern capitalism: grow or die.

It’s just weaponized outrage on the part of the writers here. They need something to be outraged about at all times, no matter if it has merit or destroys someone’s life or career.

It bothers me that this site specifically is outraged about this now. This site was nothing but love about this show as little as two weeks ago, and now is mad at it for information that’s been available for anyone who cared to look the whole time.

I've never particularly understood Square/Enix's...let's call it 'reluctance' to also release games on the Xbox. Or if they do, it's begrudgingly.

Why would that floor you?

They bought Bethesda only very recently. All the money in the world wasn’t going to conjure polished gameplay footage if they didn’t have any to show off at time of purchase.

Not a defense of Bethesda, who I think have poor project management skills, but Microsoft knew what they were buying.

For international readers unfamiliar with scatalogical grading scales, “Bullshit” refers to something terrible and low quality, but “Batshit” refers to something crazy and insane. “Shit” refers to something bad and “The Shit” refers to something exceptionally good.

I did pest control for a decade. Trust me when I say they absolutely 100% can and will live on clothing and be transferred from place to place that way. I’m picturing the tenant I was talking to one time in the lobby of his apartment building who had a dozen bedbugs crawling out from around his shirt collar. Typically

I’d rather lose a friend than get bedbugs. Easy call.