Darth Tigris

It’s flawed because it takes power away from him.

by idiots, you mean the mentally ill?

Well, he’s against the UN, so there are ideological reasons. Also, this:

Based on the current hot new trend in corporate america of expecting all their employees to come pre-trained so they don’t have to have a training budget, they probably hired him because he had previous security guard experience. If said experience was occupying a security desk at an office building he could have gone

So is this stepfather saying that if his son had been resisting, this would have been appropriate use of force? Man, the indoctrination of Blue Lives Matter in white people is some Scientology-level shit.

She’s either mentally ill or tweaking her face off. Also, they clearly do not teach Target security guards how to restrain and cuff someone. He dropped the cuffs multiple times and would’ve lost them completely if that woman didn’t come over and nonchalantly kick them over to him. And why wasn’t she wearing shoes?

I don’t see those Blue Lives ones either. Funny how that works.

Not one “All Lives Matter* person to be found.

“I was actually giving the police benefit of the doubt over my own child because I was thinking he must have been fighting back, he must have been resisting,” Chapman said.

So, this is torture, full stop.

“I was actually giving the police benefit of the doubt over my own child because I was thinking he must have been fighting back, he must have been resisting,” Chapman said.

“At least I try my best to treat every person, employee or client, decently whether white hispanic black asian or other.”

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

This guy was very casual about posting this kind of stuff and these people worked together everyday. This guy was the assistant chief, sorry but there is no way the chief, and probably lots of other officers, didn’t know this dude was a crazy racist and they were all OK with it enough to not do shit until the public

I mean, to defend business leaders a bit, this is also not how you run a business.

Nice try at trolling and using another race. Native Americans are fighting the battle every damned day. Between diminishing land rights, soaring teen suicide rates and high unemployment , not mention police brutality, the Native American is fighting to reclaim the past.

Except for the fact that there was a full length feature film the show was based on with the same name, plot, writer, director, and actors that came out years before. Also, those who spoke out against DWP, were against its title, not its premise.

As Roxane Gay pointed out, there are about a million more interesting alternative histories they could do. One where Reconstruction was actually completed would be interesting. Or if America had lost the Revolution (so slavery would have been outlawed much earlier). Or a million other things. Alternative histories are

“If HBO wants to do a show about the enslavement of black people, Underground exists, and it’s still looking for a home, and that is helmed by a black woman”

It’s not his movie. He can consult but at he end of the day, it’s her choices that make the cut.