Darth Tigris

Why you trying to bring beef where there weren’t none before you rolled up?

Like running through a cancer ward screaming “THERE ARE OTHER DISEASES, TOO!!!!”

So, Puff Daddy’s tweet is what’s separating us? Not the asshole in the white house and the ones in Congress and Senate? Not the assholes on Fox News? Not continuation of Jim Crow laws? Not police killing brown and black folks for no reasons? It’s this tweet? OK then.

Lord. White-womaning act like the kid who didn’t want or notice a toy until some other kid started playing with it.

Why it gotta be mom’s cooking? Dad don’t cook? I’m kidding of course, but someone would’ve taken it there because people can’t just let an affirmation stand. Their mindset is affirmation for you = denigration for me.

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

I knew it. And even if I hadn’t, I probably could’ve guessed from the root and context. I assume she used it because it made the sentence more lyrical. I noted and approved of the diction for that reason. We have all these nice words that rarely get used. No harm in having to look something up. It’s how we learn!

Do you know ANYONE that was pulled over 52 times for legit purposes and kept their license? <- ANSWER THAT QUESTION before you reply to me...if your answer is yes, I’ll back down. Most likely the answer is no. No one gets pulled over that many times for actual reasons and keeps their license. Phillando was targeted

Why assume no one knows a word just because you had to look it up?

Wait so having a broken tail light is a fucking DEATH SENTENCE now? are you joking?

I said this on another article but I still believe the best option is a 3rd party independent investigative group that covers all police related shootings and makes recommendations for prosecution or not. They would be a different branch within the state government and not have any ties to local or state police. Its

Oh you fuck right off with that shit.

Nope, it’s not. I never said that, or it’s opposite. I said it’s NOT about her whiteness, it’s about her feeling entitled. Black people, in my experience, usually welcome all sorts of people. BUT THEN, those guests plant flags, declare war on the neighborhood culture, start calling the city, complaining about

You’re trying too hard. The train comparison was showing how ridiculous it would be for her to ask any other business to change its operations because she is annoyed with an occasional sound. Plus, the ice cream truck in my current neighborhood, and my childhood neighborhood on the other side of the country passes

You are correct. It is illegal, but the article mentions the city doesn’t think it is so big a nuisance that its interested in enforcing this rule, and the illegality of the noise doesn’t change the sentiment of the woman’s entitlement.

She didn’t ask him to turn it down, tho. She asked him to turn it *off.* Entitlement!

Then she should sell her property and move somewhere quiet, like rural Wyoming.

New York is a city of renters - we live in apartment buildings, and the tenants make the neighborhood.

This isn’t your suburban cul de sac, son.

When in Rome, Do As The Romans Do.

If you are hypersensitive to noise, New York City is not the place for you.

Get the fuck out.