
I destroyed this game as a kid. It has tons of rhythm. It also helped that I was a drummer in the school band at the time though.

Kid can do some chores and mow some lawns if he wants a switch. Mom is not a dick at all. Plus, learn some responsibility in the process.

Thanks for the heads up. I just scheduled a repair through Nintendo. Thankfully I have a pro controller to tide me over.

Playing in games with players who are AFK is a waste. When you are playing as a group (close together), you get higher loot drop rate. But it’s negated if players are just sitting in town doing squat.

I found the pants.

Yeah right...

The shipper did use DHL. They then transferred to USPS when it arrived in the states.

The shipper did use DHL. They then transferred to USPS when it arrived in the states.

The shipper didn’t use USPS. The shipper paid DHL to ship the games. They then transferred to USPS when it arrived in the states.

The dead burning solder is doing a Nazi salute.

I know Gamestop is important to a lot of people who work there. But I would be absolutely giddy if someday Gamestop ran itself into the ground.

I did it a few years ago. I would just do them until I couldn’t come back up and call it good for the day. Eventually you can do like 100 of them no problem.

You can always start a new game plus and play the updated chapter 13 when it releases. I don’t see why you are waiting.

Have you not watched an episode of Clueless gamer before?

Target is having a buy two get one free sale from 10/30-11/05. I am picking up World of Final Fantasy, Uncharted 4, and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare or Titanfall 2.

Actually. The first PS3 has PS2 hardware build into the PS3. That’s why it could run PS2 games. There was basically a PS2 inside the PS3. The next iteration removed the hardware and went with software emulation. Then it was totally removed in future iterations.

Yeah I watched it within days. It was badass. Then my buddies watched it. Then we found A Slap on Titan.

Even so, /r/gaming nowadays is stacked with piles and piles of garbage posts. I unsubbed from it a long time ago. I don’t mind Kotaku filtering through the huge pile of shit that is /r/gaming to pick out a few gems that they can post here. That’s what makes Kotaku useful to me.

It was probably Doom 2, as that was released in 1994.

There is talk on reddit about how the scavenging mechanic might be broken. Some people have came to the conclusion that you can only really get up to 99% scavenging and once you hit 100% the 100 is truncated off and you are back down to 0%. So if you are rolling with 140% scavenging, the game might only see that you