
Lol you've already been destroyed by many people in this thread. But you keep defending yourself. And I know that you read my whole comment as you were able to bring up rape. You just don't know how to argue said points I made.

Actually you are. Women in the middle east are forced to wear burqas and still get horribly raped and killed. They cover their ENTIRE FUCKING BODY EXCEPT THE EYES AND STILL GET RAPED. Explain to me you fucking turd how that logically works? Rape isn't about how a person is dressed you stupid bitch. Why the FUCK do

You are the prime example of male developers refusing to acknowledge that there are issues of racism, homophobia, and sexism in gaming all the damn time. I seriously don't know why it's so hard for you to acknowledge that these problems exist. But nah, keep dehumanizing everyone else that isn't you. Good luck with

Yes because the decades of evidence that prove otherwise are non existent. And of course you go back to circular attacks. Remember YOU are the one who instantly dismissed another poster's point and put your foot down and showed everyone that you do NOT believe that there is no prejudice within the gaming industry.

Ahh anecdotal evidence. Good for you kiddo, you make video games and create female protagonists. YAY! Now go and convince the rest of the industry to do the same thing. The problem is that while you state that developers are actively seeking to bring in more female gamers, the sheer amount of games the appeal

You know what's wrong with you? Ignoring social issues and pretending they don't exist.

Of course all women are idiots didn't you know! How dare I spout truth or even have an opinion!! I should be shamed into a corner and go to the kitchen and make a sandwich for you shouldn't I?! And nice try but no I don't involve myself nor "mix" with little racist, sexist, homophobic inhuman fucks that take joy in

Yea....fuck you. When guys stop telling random women they don't know that they're going to rape them, cut their heads off, find out where they live and kill and rape their mom and their entire family and burn their house down.... I'll agree with you that there is no "war on women". But that's the thing though.

I like how you have to point out that you're fucking a Korean dude. News Flash: No one but you gives a shit. It doesn't matter if the old Korean lady who in her servile position does your fucking toes talks shit about you. Because I'm sure that you in all your understanding precious white girl with blue eyes godliness

See idjits like you are the reason assholes and douchebags exist because when you see douchebaggery happen you just shrug and go about your way. Evil exits and evil things happen because good people do nothing. See I'm not a little complacent toadie who just sits back and smiles at bullies while they bully other

Not painting with a broad brush. There's actually plenty of psychological studies on the power rush/control freak attitude that people have when choosing certain professions. Google is your best friend. And painting with a broad brush would mean that I think ALL cops and men who join the military are utter fucktastic

Not really being able to speak more then one language fluently actually means that, said people who are capable of doing so are better and smarter then you. People get pissed off when I speak to my Chinese/Malaysian 68 year old grandma in public and do the whole shtick of telling me to get the FUCK OUT OF AMUURRICA if

Hence why I also stated that there are plenty of in betweeners and control freaks too. It's like video gaming culture. Where most of the guys who are the worst and most disgusting misogynists who will openly tell you you that they aim to rape you, slit your throat, and feed your corpse to their dog or something tend

I usually find it that men who make it a point to become cops or servicemen tend to be egotistical, racist, ignorant douchebags of the scummiest degree. Of course not ALL are like that but many were the high school jock, frat boy, pampered, spoiled to shit or the control freak bullies who purposely go into this type

Is it weird that I'm freakishly excited for World War Z, Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, AND Wolverine even though I'm a woman? I mean okay I'm disappointed that World War Z isn't really World War Z and doesn't follow the book at all. But I find the idea of fast moving zombies to be way more interesting then the slow ones.

Hmm, I will equate you being naive and foolish to your age. Your Jesus compassion does nothing for me. Nor did it do anything for me when I was four - working in a child slave labor camp in a third world country. Missionaries would regularly visit us poor child slaves. Call us adorable, pinch our cheeks and whatnot.

Har de har har well at least he/she can distinguish between you're and your. Seriously how fucking old are you? This is shit that you should have gotten down by the age of FIVE. How are you still confusing simple words together? Quite comma splicing and using commas everywhere! They're NOT necessary you tool. And fuck

Whoo! *fist bumps back* I've never met or talked to another paper girl before. Granted I worked with plenty of them, because I saw plenty of women at the warehouse I picked up newspapers at before delivering them. But I never plucked up the courage to speak to them >_>

Exactly! It's the fucking EYES nd that gaping smirk that are unsettling ugh :(

Lol what? No one likes Bale's gargling marbles Batman voice. It's a point of laughter and hysterical comedy for most audiences. So okay my voice doesn't sound like I'm gargling marbles but I've always wanted a more softer, feminine voice.... Like Elizabeth Taylor. Or all husky and like velvet/melting butter like