YES. Yes, absolutely. And in addition to everything you said, the lack of participation of men in caretaking roles also serves to reinforce the idea that it's the job of women to take care of people, especially when it comes to emotional needs.
YES. Yes, absolutely. And in addition to everything you said, the lack of participation of men in caretaking roles also serves to reinforce the idea that it's the job of women to take care of people, especially when it comes to emotional needs.
Idiocy: the universal human constant.
Nazi and cracker are not the same insults, although Nazi's are crackers who were oppressive and white supremacist.
Cracker is not a racist term. It's not a term that describes white people in oppressive terms. White people benefit from the word cracker. Black people have never benefited from being called niggers.
Yeah, you're right.
Thank you, Sir, for one of the all time greatest "women are attention-grubbing whores who deserve to suffer for it" speeches that a gawker blog has seen in recent memory. The Misogynistic Serial Killers of America would like to offer you a lifetime honorary membership. Please accept. The last time they made this…
Can just one person explain why a grown ass woman would take a job that pays less than minimum unless it was for the attention?
Why would they take a job that does not even pay the minimum wage? Why would anyone?
The women who took that job knowing full well what was expected of them and then complained.
So what? Strippers work harder.
They act like it.
Why does a perpetrator have to be a man to commit this crime? If a lesbian couple decided to have a baby, but then one person changed her mind after her partner got pregnant and slipped her partner cytotec without her knowledge, her ass would be in jail just like this dude.
No woman can force a man to have a child, because no man can carry and birth a child. Isn't that weird?
i agree with you all the way. expect for the asshole part. why am i an asshole if i dont want my lady to have a child??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
works for me! if a woman can force a man to have a child, why cant he force her to kill it?????????????????????????????????????
All of what you are saying is just coming across as incredibly sociopathic, you're not listening to anyone, and although you may think you're pulling all these impressive gotchas, and your arguments are really weak. Although you are pretending not to, you have to understand what people are saying or you would be in…
Why are you defending the parenting choices of someone who encouraged you to get a degree in communications? Was the Ethnomusicology department impacted that year lol?
Why are you cheering her for being supportive of your poor academic judgment? Don't you wish, in retrospect, she had exercised good parental judgment and told your 17-year-old dumb ass to major in something productive and/or lucrative?
You should know. You've dealt with the public.