
The most common failure mode I’ve had in USB cables over the years has been the little hooks that secure the MicroUSB plug in its socket eventually failing (presumably from losing tension) so that the plug slips out more easily. (Anyone have any recommendation for cable makers with long-lasting plugs?)

I wonder how easy it is to make a working copy of a key from a photo.

How close to the ignition switch does the chip have to be? Can it be transplanted into a fob attached to a bare-metal key?

Exactly. Those gaudy little trinkets probably require nowhere near $550k worth of labor to produce, so very little of that is going into employee’s pockets.

They live in a universe where perfect replecation and time-travel are possible, so an alien could just scan & duplicate the whole ship far enough in the past to have plenty of time to brute-force any encryption, and have a backup against self-destruct.

The thumbnail image for the video reminds me of this...

Yeah, there’s the incel pandering.

Foreshadowed by the decision to make Darth Maul not dead. We should have seen this coming.

Are they still giving Johnson his own trilogy at least?

But... which moon?

This sounds about as stupid as Highlander 2.

Wow. I was not expecting this to be a Snape and Hawkeye team-up.

Please, can someone develop square sensors so we can shoot landscape or portrait while holding our phones or cameras any which way is most comfortable or easy to brace?

Well, either way you’ve gotta make his character a drone pilot now.

Ive been looking for that tweet myself but havent been able to find it.

It should be noted that Rey is not the only character in the movie, and that there are some that have been around for more movies than her.

Banana added for scale...

“Toys“R” Us is monitoring where kids go and what they say to produce data for brands.”

“But there are a lot of questions about Finn’s past, about Poe’s past, obviously Rey and Kylo, and then some of the new characters we meet.”