Man that’s crazy how the warrant just got straight-up lost for 70 years, that’s crazy, it’s like... wait hold on I’m getting an update... ah, yes, that warrant was never intended to be found.
Man that’s crazy how the warrant just got straight-up lost for 70 years, that’s crazy, it’s like... wait hold on I’m getting an update... ah, yes, that warrant was never intended to be found.
“I’m not racist… I don’t care what color or what religion anyone is,” she continued. “Are you a nice person? That’s what I judge you on.”
Man hating? Where?
Man hating? Where?
This just needs to happen. In fact, default everyone’s license to this and then allow those who want to drive without restrictions pass the advanced test.
More to the point, why don't we have separate key fobs anymore? Most 90s and early 2000 cars had separated key fobs, and it worked great.
They also deal with it in the first season Enterprise episode where they are at the first planet they ever explore and an incident ends up with them emergency beaming up the redshirts in a wind storm and fusing their bodies with branches and leaves in the wind.
Bringing back Palpatine from the dead makes Anakin’s sacrifice to kill him moot. As reverent and beholden to the past mythology JJ is, this one change shows he has no idea what his fanfiction desires do to the previous text. He’s a hack, the perfect distillation of Hollywood nepotism rewarding mediocrity.
Rey kissing…
What the fuck is up with that dagger? how does it only match the wreckage of the death star II from a certain angle? It was implied to be ancient. So palpatine knew what woudl happen to him? That doesn’t work....
The location of these wayfinders was implied to be long lost and written in the sacred jedi texts - so how…
I hate the term “furbaby” or in this case “feline child” and that’s where I quit reading.
I say this now to all of you who would use such terms seriously.....
You sound like a 6yrold when you say it.
A cat is not a child and calling it one shows a level of ignorance that is jaw-droppingly insulting to parents.
Your cat…
So, you’re just ignoring the bit where I said “or even just approach the seat next to me” in order to attack me. Whatever.
Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not…
Splinter was a damn good website.
Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.
I read a tweet from earlier today that the whole plan to bring mini-vans full of veterans with him was just so nobody would boo him when he was pictured on the Jumbotron. Apparently he requested they not announce him at all. Donny Boy doesn’t feel so confident when he can’t pack the stands with his sycophants.
Now, if only there was a way to make the newsfeed stay on most recent, instead of switching to what Facebook deems top stories on a pretty regular basis. And as long as I’m wishing for the moon, I’d like to set most relevant, newest, or all for comments and have that choice remain as a default for comments.
I have a sense that our new I-C overlords don’t particularly care if they tank this place. They already took Splinter out behind the building and gave it one behind the ear.
So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site? How is this not marked as a fucking ad?
It’s crazy how these kinds of people, people who fought for the rights of the working class, don’t have monuments to them all over the place. After Reconstruction a bunch of shitass Confederate statues were put up to remind Blacks of their place in society, but these heroes don’t get nearly the amount of attention…
“Chappelle claimed that Dorman was “laughing the hardest” at the jokes. But not everyone was laughing. Some claimed the comedy was transphobic.”
Here’s the thing, though: you want the lines to be actually ‘painted’ over the surface of the ground and not just superimposed on the flat windshield. The lasers will actually highlight the contours of the terrain, which I think would be really helpful, too.