
“...overturn the 2016 election and negate the votes of millions of evangelicals in the process.”

“...it’s all from one man. Incredible.”

I didn’t watch it. Did he also mention that 2.8 million more people voted for Clinton than for Trump?

28 CFR § 17.22 - Classification of information; limitations.

Maybe the server he referred to was something he was afraid CloudStrike would find.

Theres definitely a Coen brothers film in this somewhere. Strike that; everywhere.

Better yet, let’s stop all the vaping and smoking.

It’s against the law to classify information solely to avoid embarrassment or hide illegal activities. Is it also against the law to release classified information, presumably solely for such reasons, when the information does not exonerate the releaser?

Looks like Jesus has been combing that part a little too deep.

Dang it!

This was obviously spread by the Prosopagnosian Society.

So his argument is that he couldnt have blurted something out on a phone call with so many people listening in because he saves that for when people aren’t listening in?


Oh! Those guys were so close!

Part of me wants to see Macy get caught trying to tunnel her out while dressed as The Shoveler.


Like as a court-ordered thing?

Three-way swap?


Hmmm... the way theyre making everything connected but lax on security, I wonder if you could hack someones car to make it sound like something else, like a squeaky belt or a kid going vroom...vroom!