Yeah, I blame the W-S website designers for not automatically redirecting.
Needs some decorative candies surrounding it on the plate.
Weird. The link apparently goes to the mobile version of the page, which did not completely load on my desktop browser.
Well, at least it’s not bolognaise.
Damn, damn, DAMN! Why did you have to put me in the position of defending T-Rump?
Yeah, as insightful as his post sounds it is likely just the first in a lifelong series of “okay, now I’ve got it figured out” moments.
I’m not that beer-savvy, and had never heard of nut brown ale, so at first read I thought this was “Samuel Smith’s Nut” brown ale.
I look forward to the eventual blog/video about the restoration project.
‘Verbiage’ can also mean the way something is expressed in words.
If the two trademarks don’t overlap in their areas of use enough to cause market confusion it’s no problem. As I understand it, anyway. I think there may even be geographic delineations, so you can have multiple entirely separate businesses doing the same thing under the same name in separate markets.
No “...uh...” before “Tiffany”? I’d be shocked.
“The president paused in front of the exhibit that discussed the role of the Dutch in the slave trade,” Bunch continued. “As he pondered the label I felt that maybe he was paying attention to the work of the museum. He quickly proved me wrong. As he turned from the display he said to me, ‘You know, they love me…
So how do we finally get to the point where we hold what are supposed to be fine upstanding police officers to a higher standard than the general public rather than lower?
Also useful for finding violations of your copyrighted images.
Also please remember electoral votes are still a thing.
The internet is the guy who thinks the joke gets funnier after the millionth and twond time.