There’s an extra period there.
Very disappointed.
My guess is that someone wanted to come up with a gender-neutral alternative to “Latino” and “Latina”, and was somehow not aware that “Latin” was already available.
Oh great! $19 over budget!
I forget... Did Seconds have any effects?
Anyone know if their phones are rainproof?
From the title I was expecting it to be welded to the exhaust or something. This is more street legal, I guess.
I love the sound of a high revving internal combustion engine
Got any non-Kasperski and non-Asus solutions?
I have eaten ramen blocks raw. They’re not hard and dense like dry pasta, so you can eat them with, I would say, less irritation than Doritos or Funyuns. They can be kinda messy, though, so I mostly ate them like that on the way to the subway when I’d skipped lunch at work.
I’ve never shaved my ‘stache.
He’s got a tough opponent in the first round.
I think I know what you’re trying to say, but you make it sound like they cut leather off the cattle and it grows more like wool on a sheep.
Not so much beige-colored as un-colored leather, from what I can tell from the pics.