
Considering when the band came on the scene Im guessing many people have come up with Sushi and the Banshees over the decades.

Nearly three and a half years and over 150 comments, and nobody has mentioned the House on the Rock?

Most places that carry them will take money for them, cash or charge.

Wiping off the rear-view mirror should be even easier, but my nose likes tissues with lotion so thats all I have in the car. Great for wiping your tender nose. Not so great for cleaning mirrors or glasses.

If it’s on the same or overlapping channel, yes it does. Wireless bandwidth is shared, and not just among devices on the same router.

...unless they’ve set up some crazy-powered router or access point right near the closest wall to your condo.

Well, I hope this building in town isnt it, because its being held together with straps.


Excellent visibility in that position.

Plus if he’s removed you get President Pence. He’s been mostly keeping quiet, but if Trump is taken down and he’s not, I think he’ll be possibly more dangerous.

I was almost sipping hot chocolate when they peeled that decal.

Theres always a way.

There are other factors to consider as well, when figuring out how to reduce your cans in your recycling.

IIRC, in some states you can legally bury your family members in your yard, and have an easement for visiting, or even future burials, if you later sell the property.

Why not just charge as you go on major roads, or, alternately, at stop lights?

The Soul Wang.

Yeah, according to Taco Bells nutrition info page, their sauce packets have zero calories. (I’m guessing there’s some rounding-down there - Fire is shown with <1g carbs and the others zero - but still.)

Well, you know these things aren’t as easy to come by anymore.

I have a feeling the styling on the new Cadillac Royale is going to be a bit cheesy.