
Do yourselves a favor, folks, and don’t google that GIF.


Oh man I hope this works for missing-person, organ-donation pleas, etc. shares and not just news stories. I can’t tell you how many times my mother-in-law has shared stuff like that, had me reply that the kid was found safe five years ago near their home in England, the guy got his kidney or the troops came home a deca

Wrong, Zod.

Do you use mayonnaise or are you one of those people who is utterly grossed out by it and uses plain yogurt as a binding agent instead?

No, they are not magic beans. That I know of.

under investigation by Fox and National Geographic

The ratonalle behind lifetime appointments for judges is that it removes them from dependence on parties or public opinion to keep their position and frees them to be apolitical (as one can be) in their decisions.

I’m fine with unlimited terms, but the people should really want them. After their second term, the next election should consist of a public referendum on whether they should serve another term requiring a 2/3 super-majority, plus a vote on who should succeed them if the referendum does not pass. If the winner of the v

Maybe they should think about getting him one of these.

People dont mock those names so much, particularly once they lean that the come from a practice of giving a child a name thats a combination of their parents names. In the US the practice is most common among African Americans and LDS.

Okay, yeah, i mocked a bit about the water bottles. But now that I’ve read a bit more i see you have a serious problem.

Or picked up several bottles off the floor without taking a step, apparently.

Or hes planning on some Canadian bestial bukake.

The only problem with the outside sink solution is when you drip or splash a little on your pants and have to do a little clean & dry.

This is going to inflate prices on used cars too, isn’t it.

Not all kissing is making out.

Oh man, we gotta get people to flood their comments page/email with the 4:12 question.

I don’t need no one’s ass and dick and balls in my face.