
In his hand, on the other hand...

Yup. I saw that when they wholly embraced being “deplorable” as a group identity. And they’re not going to let that go.

I checked the reviews for a pair of name-brand USB phone chargers. The reviews they showed for most and least trusted reviews do not give me much confidence in this sites ability to tell legitimate reviews from joke reviews.

We hit a couple of the Smithsonian museums today. Also open was the ice rink in the National Gallery of Art Sulpture Garden.

Was your teacher an AD&D player?

Since the tax cuts the Secret Service can no longer afford waterproof radios.

“I’m extremely upbeat,” Trump claimed. “The White House is running like a well-oiled machine. It’s doing really well. I have great people.”

So... these things make you look better by making people look at you from farther away?

I vitamin-c what you did there.

Well, my kid will eat yogurt with his fingers if I don’t remind him he has a spoon like six times, so NBD here.

Now playing

So what was it like working with Sting? Is he nice in person?

Oh, make no mistake: this is about T-Rump himself (and, sure, Junior too) when he gets out.

Okay, Ive found these that sound interesting, if a bit expensive.

Id love to find some lights I could keep up year-round that would be largely unnoticed when off, and with colors I could easily change or program for the season.

“It’s important that you view all media with a critical eye,” and emphasized that this was especially so for porn.

The real debate among those who really know what they’re doing is prone vs supine. It boils down to whether the gravity assist should be in the form of a direct pull on the gut, or pressing the gut against a surface for a squeezing action.

I was thinking he looked like Bill Fagerbakke partway through morphing into Patrick Star.

Let’s hope. It’s time for new blood.