
Its no surprise. Where theres batshit, there’s bats.

Just remember to be careful not to accidentally grab a tub of schmutz.

Current market value or replacement cost?

I was going to pithily post the video for Nathanial Rateliff & The Night Sweats’ “S.O.B.”, but then I read your post and I decided it would be inappropriate.

Or, in my case, appendicitis.

Sounds like it’ll be nice and comfy, until it twists around as I slide into the seat of my car, or yanks on my balls as I hurriedly drop trou to take a much-needed dump.

Sounds like it’ll be nice and comfy, until it twists around as I slide into the seat of my car, or yanks on my balls

I had to dig further into Hexum’s story, as I had never heard that Voyagers! had been cancelled and always thought the series had ended due to his death.

But... don’t shrimp tails have those sharp barbs in the middle?

Is the cows name Rosebud?

But if they do find evidence of a crime, arent they required by law to continue to investigate?

Fried shrimp: Yeah, the tail forms a little handle to make it easier to eat by hand.

Nah, man! Its Chuy!

Nothing says wild party like the can of Lysol kept handy on the counter.


Or she was plugging in her phone.

Her audience is Trump. Hes probably been bitching to her about it ever since it happened, no doubt asking for names and countries.

If for no other reason beyond...

I won! W00t! What do I win?