
Yup. Just did it in Seamonkey, and Cyberfox.

Also its the creeps who are most willing to defend creeps.

If getting Medicare For All meant letting Trump serve out his term, would you consider that a good deal?

The problem is, though, if the Dems take the House and Senate they still probably won’t have a veto-proof margin. So they may very well cave on some things to get important legislation through.

Thanos is quite the giant purple alien dickens, isnt he?

It seems like having one device for multiple purposes limits you to doing one thing at a time, whereas spending about the same for at least a few different more-specialized devices would let you do at least a few things at once.

I usually have a good many open, but grouped in different windows for different tasks and topics.

The real solution is, of course, to block googleupdate.exe in your firewall and/or HIPS settings.

So instead of disaster relief they get disastrous comic relief.

Okay, they can have it now.

I dont think they make a boot that size.

Is this it?

So... he saying that it wasnt the storm that killed those thousands of people so much as the slow and inadequate relief and recovery efforts. Got it.

Wake me when everything shakes out.

Hmmm... Maybe the guy didn’t thoroughly google that.

Yes, but in order to leave they would need some sort of passenger vehicle, and all they have is a self-propelled generator.

No, she’s actually pretty when you look past all the weird fashion stuff.

Yeah but keeping yucky girls from touching it is just a side benefit.

Star for “sovereign citizen grade idiots".