
I, for one, would love a Mrs. Pollifax character in urban fantasy... older woman, bored to tears by her banal existence, walks into S.H.I.E.L.D. or Torchwood or somesuch and volunteers to start kicking ass and taking names, very politely.

I don't think going "Yeah right" and then ignoring the anonymous caller is the right way to go. Real or fake, they have the responsibility to respond, they don't have the means and the time to investigate the legitimacy of the situation before acting, if it was real, then acting first is the right way. If they were

Not an entire series, but an episode of Buffy did that. I think it was somewhere around a half hour straight of no lines from any character whatsoever. And it was one of the best episodes in the series. The episode was Hush, in case anyone's wondering.

Well wall-E didn't talk much and he had a whole move!

In one of the older games, which I'm ashamed to say I can't remember the name of. It's back when Link had brown hair and a big-ass cross on his shield. Zelda's brother cursed her to sleep forever or something like that.

It's not even a catchphrase. It's like a mental illness.

In many of the games, he does speak... we just never HEAR most of his dialogue. The characters, however, react as though he's telling them things. "Oh? DEATH MOUNTAIN, eh?" Hell... in Ocarina of Time, you can occasionally even choose what his response is to some questions.

That does not sound like a good idea.

Who are you even talking about, fool?

Did you even read my two sentence comment? I said it was surprising, indicating that I hadn't even considered it before this news was released. Do you understand what this implies? Seeing the game become more inclusive towards lifestyles that are not my own (that I don't spend time thinking about) is reassuring,

I seriously laughed at the original poster's list of things. You're right that half-elves are a part of lots of fantasy settings. So, incidentally, are religions that closely resemble Christianity in either worship of a single God, dogma, church structure, and so on. There are even notable characters with disabilities

I know! It is so annoying to be politically correct to acknowledge a wide variety of people exist! To not limit yourself to a very narrow definition of a person! To not be able to force a lack of diversity that isn't representative of how the world is anyways!

Right, because including a trans person (who quite obviously exist in real life) has to be some "PC" move and not just... because they exist. Haven't you ever heard about not punching down? I don't even care about this and I can see how stupid your post is.

A surprising, but welcome addition to the MTG universe. It's about time.

Just hand them a stack of 6 seasons of DVDs (and a theatrical release nobody wants) of Entourage.