Honestly, all I really want is a PC decent enough to play the old Mount & Blade games.
Honestly, all I really want is a PC decent enough to play the old Mount & Blade games.
Why has no one pitched Luigi's Mansion? It's just like Supernatural, but for the whole family!
Thanks for the explanation!
Isn't this likely to break the User Agreements of streaming video services? Aren't you effectively restreaming their video content to other users? Seems sketchy to me.
I'll skip "Super Salvation," that stuff is for plebs. How can I get access to your Premium, Diamond, or Platinum level salvations?
I double space in my personal writing because it was the way I was taught (in high school in the 00s), but in my professional writing and editing I use the single space because it has already become the norm in most style manuals.
Is there a better comedy team alive today than Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry? The American combo of Tina Fey and Amy Pohler springs to mind, but other than that, no one I can think of really holds a candle to them.
Wouldn't it just be easier to carry a couple of thin, lightweight wood or rubber doorstops? If you're traveling somewhere that won't (or might not) have door locks, doorstops seem like a cheap and easy solution. Certainly better than vandalizing the locations tableware or carrying saws around in your luggage.
A group of 11 psychics from the special forces team "S. E. A. L. E. D." manage to infiltrate the tower but are subsequently trapped and told that in order to progress through the tower's levels, they must sacrifice one of their own.
I think that digital books and physical books both have merit, which should be obvious or they wouldn't still both be around.
Digital books are convenient for travel and storage. You can easily access an entire digital library from one book-sized device. Digital books are generally less expensive than their physical…
The Duke is basically an evolution of chess. I was told by a salesperson a few years ago that it was "basically chess on crack". The description is not inaccurate.
There's also this: http://darkxarth.kinja.com/lord-of-the-ri…
Turns out that it's the same guy one-upping himself though.
I agree with the range designations. I thought you were saying that they would have the same movesets. I can see Sword Mii and Cannon Mii having the same moves as Samus and Link (or maybe Megaman and Wind Waker Link), but I thought that the Kung Fu Mii was unlikely to have the same moves as Mario, given that Mario's…
That hand-to-hand Mii looks a little too kung fu-ey to be Mario-based to me...
There is such a thing now.