
Good call. Is there anything else you don't like so that we can avoid posting that, too?

But if your choices are:
Comcast - 20+ mb/s - $70/month
LocalCo. - 5 mb/s - $50/month
SatNetCo. - <3 mb/s - $50/month

How is that a competitive market? Verizon and AT&T never seem to offer service in the same area as Comcast. Granted, I've only lived in three different houses in the last 3 1/2 years, but in all three

I am frequently told that I should watch Community, but my List of things I should watch is already pretty long. Is it worth my while to tack Community in there somewhere?

Oh my god, this. The ending was at least conclusive, but by season 4 I was tired of rebooting the whole freaking town every year.

Cultural reference lost on me. :/

Both velocity and MAGNITUDE!

Best scene in the whole movie.

Ha! Fantastically hilarious!

Most people don't have "a dozen choices". Most areas have, at most, two or three service provider choices. Companies like AT&T and Comcast "zone" out areas and don't compete with each other in many regions.

When has it ever been a good idea to put giant media companies in charge of regulating themselves and their media? This isn't like the comics, movie, or games industry self-regulating content, this is a different beast altogether.

Personally, I don't like books in which the character changes with each chapter. I don't mind following two or three characters over the course of the book, but ending with a cliffhanger and switching characters every chapter is tiresome to me.

The last several YA series I have read have all either had bad endings or petered out as the books got worse.

If fantasy writers want to create a continuing series, they should take a page out of John Flanagan's book (pun :p). The first six Ranger's Apprentice books are done in pairs, rather than trilogies. It allows

Second Monitor
For $50, you can't get much, but a refurbished monitor on Newegg can be had for around $50. I have two monitors at work, but only one at home. Easiest and cheapest way to increase efficiency in my book.

Why is Han pointing the gun at his own head?


The plot to my next RPG campaign setting.

That movie is so terrible.

Well, so it is. Why have I been lied to by an annotation?

There's a calculator in the image tagged as 7.

Me, too. It makes sense. Maybe this player is the person who documents the collapse of civilization. As the PC, he will doubtless be in the thick of both combat and politics, so he seems as likely a person as anyone. Perhaps the story ends with the player sitting down with an audio recorder and beginning his story: