
You're more than welcome to your opinion. Note that I am not ridiculing you or telling you that things you enjoy are creepy.

Actually, if you'll read the comment, Porkins said not that the show was creepy, but that the bronies themselves were creepy, which strikes me as an insult. Of course, Porkins's latest response makes her/him seem more reasonable and less insulting.

Eh, too many people enjoy targeting groups of people who like something they don't (TV show, book series, movie, video game, food, religion, political party, country, sports team, etc., etc.).

He's playing a children's card game!

If you didn't enjoy the show after watching it in person, it doesn't seem like any amount of text from random strangers on the internet will do a better job.

But people who make wildly violent threats against a group of people should be mildly tolerated?

You really hate a cartoon show so much that you would ostracize your child if he or she enjoyed it? Good life plan.

Watching a cartoon about talking horses = Gross

Fair enough. You don't have to like it. But if it's not doing you any harm, there's no reason to generalize or insult those who do.

Be who you want to be... but honestly, "people" who make generalizations are creepy. Every single one of them.

LOL @ silly comment

Thank goodness there are still people brave enough to tell others how they should be living, especially of what things they should have posters.

Peabody and Sherman!

Or are you the only person who cares? I was surprised to hear all the hubbub and disgruntled jibba-jabba when Heimdall was black in the Thor movie. "Oh no!" they said "You are portraying a historically white mythological character as not white! This is an outrage!" Of course, they were also portraying historically

Oh my, that is some unappetizing cheese.

That movie is awesome. Batman has the best lines.

I only got to play Four Swords one time, but I actually played it with four players and we had a blast.

I'd like to see a game that allows players to design Zelda-like top-down dungeons and then have 1-4 players (Four Swords style) progress through the dungeon. The Gamepad player could further participate by dropping monsters or pre-set traps. I'd play it.

I keep hoping that this (or some version of this) is going to happen. Heck, you could easily combine a generic FPS and RTS setting using the Wiimotes and the Gamepad, if the thought of a whole bunch of classes, traps, monsters, spells, and magic items is too intimidating.

The thing is, the SNES was an entirely different system with new games, new controllers, new exterior design.
The Wii U, on the other hand, plays existing Wii games, uses existing Wii controllers, and is not all that visually distinct from the Wii console design (from the eyes of an average consumer). Especially given