Darksiede, now LS powered

I wonder how he’ll feel about getting letters on A4 sheet of paper.


And I bet he has the Gol to act like he’s innocent!

1st gear: Sounds like he might have a hard time gettin’ Audi this one!

Let us know what—and who—you want to see in this space.

i don’t know subaru’s either, but then again, I’m not a lesbian.

Missouri is the Florida of the Midwest.

Ford took “bailout” money, they just called it development aid to make it sound like they didn’t.

Ford got its Uncle Sugar Daddy bailout three years before the big recession hit.

Now playing

Don’t really care what it’s top speed is becasue it can do this:

Looked quickly, thought it was a Zombie Asshat Hatch.

thats a weird looking mustang

Oh come on... Then what am I supposed to do with this:

Halloween was 2 days ago, you can knock all this zombie crap off for most of the next year.

worth it, cheese is dabessss

Frustrating. I can only view the video this Sunday, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!

A Range Rover should be hard to track. Tons of body roll, I would imagine.

......youre good at this...

Unless said hookers are doing something on tape, in a hotel room... say, in Moscow.

In related news he will be buried with his head in the bottom of the coffin and his service will be open casket so everyone can admire his feet.