
Also, I knew a girl back in the day that got raped by her youth pastor. When she finally told someone, she, the victim, had to get up in front of the church and apologize to her rapist, his wife, her family, and the rest of the congregation. In the church’s eyes she was a wonton slut who almost ruined a decent,

“If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences.”

How you didn’t put that mitherfuckers teeth down his throat when he said that is a testament to how good of a person you are. I can’t say I wouldn’t have landed myself in jail if I were in your shoes.

Prayer, it’s the least you can do. Literally.

The station airing the Grammy’s probably loves the ratings it brings, but the people actually producing the Grammy’s probably aren’t as thrilled about it.

Yeah, kind of obsessed with himself.

Fuck that, fuck them, fuck your invisible friend, and fuck you.

This is what I’m hoping for.

I’ve seen him twice. The first time he was back on drugs and the show sucked. The second time he was touring with Willie Nelson and only played new material and not a single one of his hits, and it too sucked. (Willie was fucking incredible though!)

That’s powerful stuff, right there. It would be so easy to give into hate and anger and lash out at the dog, but they understand that the dog is also a victim; that dogs are not weapons and the people using them as such are the ones responsible for drawing blood, not the animal itself.

That was a much better takedown of him than I did.

Ok, now I know you’re trolling.

Where in those leaked speeches did she say that the public position hadn’t to be pretend?

Ok, no snark or sarcasm, I’m legitimately curious and wonder if you could elucidate this for us:

Sounds like a student of the the Jesse Ventura School of Debate. The first, and, well, only method taught there is to insinuate and imply something as hard as you can, and when called out on saying it, stomp your feet and shout that you never said that! You didn’t use those words! Why are putting words in someone’s

It’s not lying. If a Christian democrat personally doesn’t believe in abortion, but publicly says it’s not his call and a woman has the right to choose what’s best for her, that’s not lying. That’s putting the will of your constituents’ ahead of your own personal beliefs.

What if I’d rather prove it than proof it?

You sure are acting like one though.

They should totally play that song at a campaign event.

I think hoping for the c-bomb isn’t like wishing for a unicorn; ain’t gonna happen. But I’d bet you $5 to 20 that he calls her a bitch.