
I Predict he wil either make fun of a disabled person or fat shame an overweight woman causing them to become visibly upset, Hillary will go give that audience member a hug, and the next she will rip intk Donald for being a heartless monster on live tv.

How the fuck is this legal?

Yeah, but if everything was looped and the insurance companies actually had to cover everything, well, they wouldn’t make nearly as much profit would they? What do have against capitalism?

Change the font color to white and type a bunch of random, extra words at the end of your paper. Boom, instant word count increase.

I live in the southwest corner of TN near the AR and MS borders. Down here, guns are absolutely treated as toys by way too many fucking people.

Firefighters are trained to save lives, police are trained to kill.

Fucking texas idiots...

Well, I’m sure he’ll have plenty of time for self introspection while he’s waiting for his next college admissions letter.

People who didn’t see it coming would have fared better. In collisions, people who are relaxed upon impact have more fluidity in their muscles, tendons, and ligaments which allows their bodies to stretch and flex with the change in momentum. Bracing and tensing up tightens your muscles, tendons, and ligaments which

Right? You never see cigarette smokers hanging out together trading cigarettes and puffs off of each other’s cigs, or arguing over brands or techniques, or any of that stupid shit. You know what you see cigarette smokers do? You see them smoke a fucking cigarette and then get on with their fucking day because they

I must have asked every vape store around me what the opposite of “chasing the cloud” was and either got confused looks or laughs from people who thought I was joking. Not one of them was very helpful in trying to get me what I wanted; they were more interested in trying to convince me why I should want bigger clouds.

My elementary school had a bomb threat called in, not sure what year, but it was 5th grade and I’m 32 now. We evacuated to the neighborhood next door. Me and my brothers thought our mom was making too big a deal when we got home that afternoon. We couldn’t understand why anyone would believe that someone would bomb a

Like most good marks, they probably realize, deep down, that they have been taken like the rube they are, but they will never admit it. You see, they’re too smart to fall for a slick con artist, and so they insist that they have not been taken; they haven’t been scammed, only losers and idiots fall for those scams and

In highschool, a girl came and did that to her younger brother when he was a senior, only she sprinkled a little broken glass around where the drivers door would be in the parking lot.

Her response should be just one word: “Who?”

What? You mean Mitch “Yertle the Turtle” McConnell decided not to shut the government down a month out from the presidential election? I’m shocked!

The Libertarian Party in a nutshell.

Sometimes people aren’t calling the police, they’re calling 911, and that’s what dispatch sends. And sometimes, even if you aren’t requesting law enforcement assistance but emergency medical services, if it sounds hectic in the background the police will be dispatched before the fire dept./EMS service.

I still have a couple of batteries, but I only use them with my vapor globe for hash oil. If I still had a decent tank I might still vape no nicotine juice.