
Michael Vick served his time and moved on with his life and professional career. That doesn't mean I stop thinking of him as dog killing, sick fuck.

I have this argument with my husband all the time. He's under the impression that he doesn't know anyone who has ever raped anyone, molested any child or been a victim of these acts (aside from me being a survivor of both). I keep telling him, "That's nice that you have such a rosey view of humanity, but statistically

Yeah, he skipped out on mandatory sexual predator counseling. He's totes repentant. Meanwhile, his child victim is now a young adult who's always going to have that hovering over him, while he's a fucking millionaire.

These are all excellent points!

Maybe I'm a selfish asshole, but I would be super pissed if my flight got diverted mid-air because someone was having a baby.

I hate people who bring their babies with them on planes.

Actually, Mrs. P reminded me very, very much of Vera Donovan, the crazy old lady from Dolores Claiborne. The one who had rules about how the welcome mat should go and exactly when to take in the garbage cans and how many pins to hang the wash with.
It's an excellent book, and not just because of the crazy lady.

Maturity isn't always dependent on age. There are 17 year olds that are wise beyond their years and there are middle aged people that have the mental and emotional maturity of a 12-year-old who have no business being in any kind of leadership position. I've come across enough examples that defy expectations to the

It says right in the article that it's somewhat of an annual tradition in New Zealand and that lorde has been doing it for years, so it's certainly not "trendy". It's pretty ignorant to completely ignore someone else's cultural norms, especially when it's spelled out for you.

I'm pleased that the revolution is starting but they need to go after bigger targets next time. An assistant manager isn't all that powerful. Go for the CEOs from now on.

I'm sure his next show will be about a brave, intelligent tv and film writer who attempts to nobly tell it like it is with his scripts while being beset on all sides by shrewish, ungrateful women, one of whom is named "Schmalena Schmith."

ETA: He can call the show "Penis Mightier Than the Sword."

Stay tuned for the next installment of Heroic Moments in Mom Pandering.

Everything Bush II has done since leaving office has confirmed two things for me: 1) Bush is a simpleminded guy who only sat in the White House to please his daddy, and 2) Bush is not a bad man; which, considering the things his administration did only solidifies my belief that Dick Cheney is the goddamned devil.

I don't personally consider what you did a spoiler as it lacked specifics, but maybe that's because I don't care about this show anymore. I think the broader issue is that different people consider different things a spoiler, and neither you or I can define what that is for them.

I can't be alone in thinking I hope Karma comes back to bite both of them in the ass.

That is Bieber's father? Well that explains everything.

Hopefully, Karma will find a happy, safe home someday.

No. The father is what would happen if a bottle of Axe body spray were to gain sentience. "Human" is giving him entirely too much credit. (Do a Google image search if you don't believe me, but if you do, please be prepared - you may, for the first time ever, find yourself feeling sympathy for Justin.)

I know, I know, I KNOW, I'm victim blaming here, but I don't give a flying fuck: what do you want to bet, based on what we know about the Boobers, that "Jaxon" (UGH WTF) did something to antagonize the dog into biting him?

Rape victims are treated like garbage by the vast majority of police, we just went over this with the Cosby case. What happened to Shia is not okay and I hope he gets connected with whatever supports he needs.