You need that on your gravestone. "Was called a lying bitch by Roseanne Barr".
You need that on your gravestone. "Was called a lying bitch by Roseanne Barr".
I'm surprised by wal-mart, but since McDs is basically the avatar/amalgam of all fast food places, it tends to get a lot of public focus even when it's ALL the fast food places being shitty. McDs ends up being ahead of the curve on some things. They were the first fast food place that stopped using those horrible…
Hahahahaha, he literally complained that his article "In Defense of Bill Cosby" was misconstrued as defending Bill Cosby.
I feel like at the end of the day, Cosby will have a bad image now but when he passes away there will be tons articles and TV segments about how he was an icon and all the great things he did. They will touch on the rape allegations, but it won't be the focus. Tons of people are standing by him and aren't going to…
I'm real tired of people getting more outraged when the rape victim is a child than a grown woman. Real fucking tired of it.
Wait, did I just read that Walmart is part of the ethical food buying coalition or did I just have a stroke?
It was adorable and my son and I hugged each other right then because we totally understood because we would have gone back for all our cats too.
That moment was just so Prim. That's why people laughed. Plus a healthy mix of relief.
I held it together through the whole Mockingjay book until the scene in District 12 after the revolution when Buttercup shows up. Then there were tears.
Yeah, keeping Effie instead of the whole prep team was a great change from the books! Elizabeth Banks is the best.
One of the many moments I knew fiancé was a keeper was about a month into dating; I was considering adopting two kittens and asked him how he felt about cats (because I was already pretty sure we were going to fall in love, so I figured his opinion should be considered).
Am I the only person left who genuinely likes and prefers the missionary position?
It's never come up, but I could never be with someone who didn't love animals or who expected me to give up my pets.
For human children, sure, but this baby will be half-Frankenstein. Your science and gods mean nothing.
Um, inaccurate.
Fully realizing that Fat Amy deserves better, I am shipping her and Bumper so hard right now.