
Because people are assholes. A good friend of mine had her dog go missing (she got him back thankfully) and she got at least a dozen calls from people telling her they found her dog and ate him, tortured him, ran him over with their car. People are sick fucks when they can hide behind anonymity.

I agree with you :) But everyone's acting like this is somehow a bigger waste of money than a sports car or a caviar-stuffed throw pillows or whatever rich people spend money on.

A dog isn't a fucking handbag. You suck.

Maybe you should post some snapshots of the things you own - not living creatures with - and then we can pass judgement on you about how many children you could have saved instead of buying the stuff in your closets.

Oh please, tell that to yourself the next time you buy yourself a cup of coffee or a movie ticket or a pair of shoes. Your self righteousness makes you overlook the fact that this is a responsible person who loves and cares for another living creature and misses him.

Can everyone please stop posting such negative comments about this woman looking for her missing dog?!! She lost her beloved friend, doesn't know where he is or if he is okay, and people are rolling their eyes at her for doing everything in her power to find him? Wow, some of you are really, really awful people!

People who make jokes about someone who is trying to find their best friend are a special kind of asshole.

In that the dog doesn't have any disposable income to quantify "love", I guess you're right? But it's hard to peg emotional bonds between a pet and owner. My little fool is a rescue and has emotionally welded herself to me - she is devoted. But I also know that if I took her off-leash and she saw a squirrel, she would

My dog, who was on a leash at the time (and was always good off leash) was killed by a dog that was "on a leash" cause the fucking leash holder was 10 year old and couldn't control the dog. Fuck irresponsible pet owners, on or off leash.

...And nobody cared.

Speaking only as someone who has lost a beloved best friend, I was so lucky to have found my dog 24 hours after losing her. If we hadn't found her, we certainly would have put whatever we had into finding her.

And I assume you're making do with the absolute bare minimum in all other ways- you're eating nothing but noodles, living out of a tent, and using a bonfire for heating. Otherwise, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Man, there are some Mega Assholes on here. It's her money. It's not up to you to decide how it might be better spent. I really hope she finds her dog.

If I had that kind of money, and I lost my dog, I 'd spend it to. They are family.

The power your computer consumed while you typed this comment could have provided light for 13 orphans to learn to read. You monster.

I dread the idea of losing one of my pets- I frequently have nightmares about it. I don't know how I continue to function in a world where so many pets go missing all the time. I know there are lots of horrific problems out there, but when I learn about a missing pet (which is frequent), everything feels incredibly

If this happened to me and I had the money I'd spend it. Not on the psychics though, but I can't fault her on that, she's desperate. :( I hope she finds him.

the only time i've ever seen this be used in the "real, southern way". well done. starred. i would never spend that kind of money to find a pet, but fuck someone who hates on her because she can, and wants to. that's love, and that's not for me to judge.

Seriously. When Kid Electron was sixteen months old, I had an off the leash dog bolt for her at a park. I had just enough time to scoop her up and put my back against the attack, and it ripped my puffer coat to shreds instead of her. "Oh, but Charlie wouldn't hurt a fly," was the owner's only response.

bless your heart